Jakarta, 21/05/2014 MoF (Fiscal) News - Draft of State Budget (RAPBN) 2015 will be baseline-based, in which major substances in 2015 will only consider the government's primary needs and public services. This was stated by Minister of Finance M. Chatib Basri when he explained the Framework of Macroeconomic and Fiscal Policy Points 2015.

According to Minister, this is intended to provide the upcoming government a sufficient fiscal space to suit to the work programs in the future. "The Framework of Macroeconomic and Fiscal Policy Points 2015 is the elaboration of directions and strategies to be implemented by the government in order to respond the economic dynamics, address the challenges and strategic issues as well as support achieving the target set in the RKP (Government Work Plan) 2015," explained him.

The government, Minister continues, has stipulated fiscal policy theme in 2015, namely strengthening fiscal policy to accelerate sustainable and equitable economic growth. "Fiscal policy strategies will be directed to strengthen fiscal stimulus in order to accelerate sustainable economic growth as well as equitable national development," explained him.

In line with the Minister, on the same place, Vice Chairman of House of Representatives (DPR) Muhammad Sohibul Iman when he received the Framework of Macroeconomic and Fiscal Policy Points 2015 delivered the importance of maintaining fiscal sustainability especially during transition year. "Considering the fact that 2015 is a transition year, the main substance in RAPBN 2015 only takes into account the government's primary needs and public services. Meanwhile, for activities, programs, they will be in the hands of the newly-elected president," he said. (ak)

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