25. 1. 2013

Minister Žerjav meets Indian ministers and speaks at Partnership Summit of the Confederation of Indian Industry

Ljubljana, 25 January 2013 - At the invitation of the Indian Minister, responsible for commerce, industry and textiles, Anand Sharama, the Slovenian Minister, responsible for economic development, Radovan Žerjav, MSc, will visit India, the country with 1.2 billion inhabitants. In the framework of the visit, which will take place from 27 to 30 January 2013, the Minister will meet with three Indian ministers and representatives of important organisations. 

The visit will take place on the occasion of the Partnership Summit of the Confederation of Indian Industry, where Minister Radovan Žerjav, MSc will be one of the speakers in the plenary session "Large emerging economies: new development centre of the world".

Minister Žerjav will discuss the possibilities of strengthening the mutual economic cooperation with the host, the Indian Minister, responsible for commerce, industry and textiles. He will present the Slovenian economy especially in light of the opportunities which arise for bilateral cooperation in the field of commerce as well as in the field of investments. Slovenia can offer knowledge, experiences, innovation, mainly in the field of reduced energy use.    

Minister Radovan Žerjav, MSc will also meet with the Minister for heavy industries and public enterprises, Praful Patel, and the Minister for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, K.H. Muniyappo. Meetings with high representatives of the Governments of Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal and the representatives of the Confederation of Indian Industry and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry and certain Indian businessmen are also scheduled.

In the framework of his visit to India, the Minister will be accompanied by the business delegation, headed by the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Slovenia. The enterprises in the business delegation represent the fields of renewable energy sources, electrical and metalworking industry, tourism, IT and logistics. These are also areas with the most potential for strengthening economic cooperation. 

India is one of the chosen key markets, to which Slovenia will, in accordance with the action plan International Challenges 2013 - Partnership to Promote International Business of the Slovenian Enterprises, focus more attention in the field of economic cooperation in 2013.

After the completion of the programme of the visits and the bilateral ministerial meetings the Ministry will post more information about the visit of Minister Žerjav, MSc in India.

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