Bogota, January 24, 2013.- Following their successful participation at the Madrid Fusion gastronomic fair, Colombia's top chefs and products continue to amaze Europe. Now, it is Gastrofestival 2013, an event that features the best restaurants in Madrid and hosts leading chefs, from around the world, including two from Colombia.

Bogota, January 24, 2013.- Following their successful participation at the Madrid Fusion gastronomic fair, Colombia's top chefs and products continue to amaze Europe. Now, it is Gastrofestival 2013, an event that features the best restaurants in Madrid and hosts leading chefs, from around the world, including two from Colombia.

The chefs in question are Jorge Rausch, of the restaurant, Criterion, located in Bogota, and Juan Manuel Barrientos, of the restaurant, El Cielo, also located in Bogota. Mr. Rausch will be the guest chef, today and tomorrow, at the restaurant Zalacaín, in Madrid, while Mr. Barrientos will be the guest chef, this Friday, at Dassa Bassa. These two individuals, along with other renowned chefs from around the world will set about to please the locals with a menu of "high cuisine," which will be part of the "Dining with the Stars" conference.

The Minister of Trade, Industry, and Tourism, Sergio Diaz-Granados, said that increasing the competitiveness and promotion of the national cuisine is part of the strategic plan of the Vice Minister of Tourism. This effort also involves giving recognition and encouragement to human talent. "With the promotion of signature dishes and the positioning of our chefs and their preparations internationally, we will undoubtedly attract more tourists to our country," added the Minister.

This festival also features the "Colombian Coffee Route," in which roughly 30 Spanish establishments will be offering cocktails, breakfasts, snacks, and chats which showcase this product.

"Since 2012, through the Vice Ministry of Tourism, we have embarked on a joint project to promote the development and supply of our traditional drinks at dining establishments, and so, for this year, this initiative included the Gastrofestival, which has been useful to our moves in this direction," explained the Vice Minister of Tourism, Oscar Rueda.

Photo 1

From left to right: Chef Juan Manuel Barrientos, Chef Daniel Avellaneda, Ambassador of Colombia in Spain, Orlando Sardi de Lima; Chef Jorge Rausch, and Chef Alexander Torres. The individuals were attending a reception at the Ambassador's residence.

Photo 2

Chef Juan Manuel Barrientos, of El Cielo, located in Bogota.

(Photos courtesy of the Embassy of Colombia in Spain)

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