Press re­lease of 26.01.2016 |

Am­man - An in­vest­ment and in­fra­struc­ture pro­gramme to­gether with tar­geted mea­sures to pro­mote eco­nomic de­vel­op­ment are planned, to help Jor­dan get to grips with the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion. Jor­dan, a coun­try with a pop­u­la­tion of 6.5 mil­lion, has ac­cepted al­most one mil­lion Syr­ian refugees. In talks with the Jor­dan­ian gov­ern­ment, Fed­eral Min­is­ter Gerd Müller has been sound­ing out pos­si­bil­i­ties for cre­at­ing le­gal op­tions for Syr­ian refugees to find work in Jor­dan.

Com­ment­ing on the sit­u­a­tion in Jor­dan, Min­is­ter Müller said: 'Al­most 90 per cent of the Syr­ian refugees in Jor­dan have found a place to stay in vil­lages and small towns. By in­vest­ing in the in­fra­struc­ture of these lo­cal com­mu­ni­ties, for ex­am­ple by build­ing hous­ing, schools and com­mu­nity cen­tres, we can help cre­ate jobs for tens of thou­sands of refugees and lo­cal peo­ple. This will make stay­ing in the re­gion a vi­able op­tion for the refugees and at the same time boost the lo­cal econ­omy. With an in­vest­ment and in­fra­struc­ture pro­gramme like this we are tak­ing an im­por­tant step in the di­rec­tion of a Mar­shall Plan for the re­gion. We need some kind of Mar­shall Plan in or­der to be able to deal with the refugee cri­sis and so that Syria can be re­built once the war is over.'

This year the Fed­eral Min­istry for Eco­nomic Co­op­er­a­tion and De­vel­op­ment (BMZ) is launch­ing a pro­gramme aimed at cre­at­ing jobs for Syr­ian refugees in the re­gion. Fur­ther­more, tar­geted mea­sures are planned to specif­i­cally en­cour­age the found­ing of new busi­nesses in both the com­mer­cial and the trades sec­tor. The is work­ing on the de­vel­op­ment of ed­u­ca­tion and train­ing pro­grammes specif­i­cally for this pur­pose, for ex­am­ple in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Ger­man-Jor­dan­ian Uni­ver­sity in Am­man. The aim is to give refugees the pos­si­bil­ity to earn a liv­ing and sup­port them­selves and their fam­i­lies, thereby mo­bil­is­ing in­vest­ments in the re­gion.

Dur­ing his visit to Jor­dan, Min­is­ter Müller was able to see at first hand the ac­tiv­i­ties Ger­many is en­gaged in with a view to de­vel­op­ing in­fra­struc­ture and boost­ing the econ­omy. For in­stance, thanks to Ger­man sup­port, 800,000 peo­ple now have ac­cess to a proper wa­ter sup­ply, 200,000 peo­ple have elec­tric­ity and, over the last two years, 130,000 Syr­ian refugee chil­dren have been able to go to school. Over the past two years the has tripled its fund­ing for ac­tiv­i­ties to com­bat the cri­sis in Syria and Iraq, in­vest­ing a to­tal of 640 mil­lion eu­ros in these mea­sures.

In the af­ter­noon, Min­is­ter Müller em­barked on the next stage of his jour­ney, trav­el­ling to Mersin in Turkey. The third and fi­nal des­ti­na­tion on this Mid­dle East visit will be north­ern Iraq.

Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany issued this content on 26 January 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 27 January 2016 16:26:09 UTC

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