Melissa Data, a leading provider of contact data quality and integration solutions, today announced its strategic alliance with Blu Sky to solve growing data management challenges in healthcare markets. Melissa Data offers a comprehensive platform for data integration and data quality, and Blu Sky provides data capture technologies optimized for EpicCare software deployments used to administer mid-size and large medical groups, hospitals and integrated healthcare organizations. By partnering with Melissa Data and its extensive suite of established data quality solutions, healthcare providers have a comprehensive single source for superior data management and compliance.

"Integrated data quality is essential to advancing universal healthcare options, yet the complexities of healthcare data management are evident in today's headlines," Gary Van Roekel, COO, Melissa Data. "As government initiatives catalyze change in the market, our alliance with Blu Sky provides a significant technical and competitive advantage for healthcare CTOs - offering a comprehensive, proven resource for data quality, integration and capture. Improved and integrated patient data quality will not only help providers reduce the cost of care, but also facilitate better diagnosis and treatment options for patients."

With this alliance, Melissa Data provides global data quality solutions, which verify, standardize, consolidate and enhance U.S. and international contact data, in combination with a comprehensive Data Integration Suite in Contact Zone, enabling cleansed and enhanced patient data to be transformed and shared securely within a healthcare network. Blu Sky adds subject matter experts to the equation - with deep expertise in the EpicCare software used extensively in healthcare networks to facilitate a "one patient, one record" approach; patient data capture, storage and management is assured of compliance with a growing range of healthcare regulations, including CASS certification of address results, and HIPAA privacy and security policies.

"Mobile healthcare, connected pharmacy applications and electronic medical records represent tangible advancements in healthcare accessibility," said Rick O'Connor, President, Blu Sky. "The same advances increase complexity of data management in the context of HIPAA confidentiality and other industry standards. With a single source to address compliance network-wide, providers are poised for healthcare innovations based on secure, high quality patient information."

For more information about the healthcare data management alliance between Melissa Data and Blu Sky, contact Annie Shannahan at 360-527-9111, or call 1-800-MELISSA (635-4772).

Company Information

About Melissa Data

Since 1985, Melissa Data has specialized in contact data quality and address management tools. The products help organizations accurately capture and maintain customer contact data at the point of entry, ensuring accurate customer information across the enterprise. Melissa Data provides data validation software and services to more than 5,000 clients worldwide in retail, education, healthcare, insurance, finance, government, and other sectors. The company has offices in the US, Europe, and India. For more information or free product trials, visit or call 1-800-MELISSA (635-4772).

About Blu Sky

Blu Sky
design. develop. deliver.
Providing professional solutions since 1999.
Blu Sky provides integrated software solutions for higher education and healthcare.

Melissa Data
Greg Brown
Vice President, Marketing
800-635-4772 x130
MPowered Public Relations
Jackie Zerbst, 714-998-3448
Blu Sky
Annie Shannahan
Business Development Manager