Who:                   South Carolina Governor,
                           Nikki R. Haley

                           Continental AG Executive
                           Board Member, Tire Division,
                           Nikolai Setzer

                           Continental Tire the Americas
                           CEO, Dr. Jochen Etzel

                           Sumter Plant Manager, Craig

    What:                  Official Opening ceremony for
                           Continental's new plant in
                           Sumter.  Remarks by Governor
                           Haley as well as Continental

                           Plant tours are available for
                           media and refreshments will
                           be served

    When:                  Tuesday, January 28.  The
                           event will begin promptly at
                           2:00 pm and conclude at
                           approximately 4:00 pm -
                           including a plant tour.

    Where:                Continental Sumter Tire Plant

                          1825 S US 521 Hwy

                          Sumter, SC 29153

*For access through security at the plant, we ask that you register for this event in advance. Please contact: Michele Lewandowski (248) 393-8784 Michele.lewandowski@continental-corporation.com or Kathryn Blackwell (248) 393-6593 Kathryn.blackwell@continental-corporation.com

/PRNewswire -- Jan. 17, 2014/

SOURCE Continental