MedCognition, a Texas-based company providing augmented reality medical education training, has named Russell Unrath Chief Executive Officer as part of the company’s aggressive growth plan for its groundbreaking medical simulation training technology platform, PerSim®.

Unrath has been the Chief Operating Officer for MedCognition since 2020 and has led the company to achieve nearly tripled year-to-year sales and the exponential growth of new customer accounts since he joined the company. He has two decades of experience in sales and business management, technology development, information technology and leadership management. Under Unrath’s direction as CEO, the company will continue to focus on growth to augment IP expansion, diversify its commercial product offerings including content offerings for the Metaverse, and expand commercial sales activities.

The company recently received a $400,000 grant from the NIH to develop HAZMAT scenarios that are delivered through its innovative AR-based approach. In addition, the company recently initiated a contract with AFWERX for $750,000 for research and development of its augmented reality medical training platform with a focus on remote instruction.

“MedCognition’s trajectory over the last two years – in the midst of a pandemic no less - has been astounding, and Russell’s experience and proven leadership has been integral to our success. He will continue to drive our company to the next level in his new leadership role,” commented company founder Dr. Kevin King.


Founded in 2016, MedCognition is a Texas-based medical simulation education training company focused on helping frontline healthcare workers reduce medical errors and save more lives by providing realistic medical simulation both in the classroom and in the clinical workspace.

The company’s augmented reality training platform, PerSim®, is the first-of-its-kind patient simulator specifically designed to help medical providers enhance critical thinking and mitigate potential mistakes. By leveraging the latest in augmented reality and holographic technology, PerSim represents a leap forward in realism, portability, and affordability, allowing medical professionals to train for those critical times when being their best saves more lives. The company’s founders include a nationally known speaker on cognitive errors in emergency medicine, nationally recognized emergency medicine educators, U.S. Army combat veterans, and an internationally recognized expert in augmented reality technology.