Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Market Opportunities in Short Range Wireless" report to their offering.

This report highlights the available short range wireless technologies and analyzes their market opportunities, with forecasts to 2023.

Short range wireless technologies offer extraordinary opportunities. From platforms and applications that are already well-established in billion-dollar markets, to new protocols and markets that are only now emerging, potential market volumes are enormous and in many cases growing rapidly. Depending on the market, growth is already well underway, is starting now, or will start soon. And yet, there are legacy technologies that will decline in this period as they become constrained by older standards that are less adaptable in the new marketplace.

Completely new markets, many of them targeted at the rapidly evolving consumer sector, present new requirements that can only be met by more recently developed protocols. And the proliferation of platforms has meant that some markets are served by several protocols, initiating fierce competition among them.

In this period of unparalleled promise, flux and uncertainty, the winners will be those who most quickly apply the best technologies to the most appropriate markets. The platforms are available and markets waiting. In some cases the only barrier is that the hardware needs to be less costly; in others, there simply needs to be greater customer awareness.

Key Topics Covered:

Executive Summary

Chapter 1 Background

Chapter 2 Short Range Standards And Protocols

Chapter 3 Hardware & Systems

Chapter 4 Technology: Infrared

Chapter 5 Technology: RFID

Chapter 6 Technology: Near Field Communications

Chapter 7 Technology: BLE And Ibeacons

Chapter 8 Markets: The Smart Home

Chapter 9 Markets: Healthcare

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