WASHINGTON, Jan. 11, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Days after the new Congress was sworn-in and all celebrations are over, March for Our Lives, DC and Change The Ref will host a "Friendly Reminder" to Members of Congress of the need to strongly support common sense gun reforms in the United States.

The activation will include a strong message with the presence of #3DActivist - a sculpture modeled after Joaquin "Guac" Oliver, Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting victim and son of Change The Ref founders, Manuel and Patricia Oliver, who will also be present alongside more than 100 young people who will wear "Guac" mask. The life size 3D sculpture of Joaquin shows him holding a bouquet of flowers, in tribute to the Valentine's Day gift he had for his girlfriend on the day he died.

"I want elected law makers to get to know Guac as an activist, not as a victim. These elected leaders work for us—and they owe it to my son and the countless gun violence victims and families to do good work" Manuel Oliver said, adding that he and Patricia, through Change The Ref, are on board with this initiative not only to grieve but also to prevent other parents from living the unparalleled tragedy of losing a child to gun violence.

"When Joaquin was murdered with an assault weapon designed for war and purchased by a 19 year old, we asked ourselves how this could happen?" said Oliver. "We need common sense gun laws in our Nation, and we need them now."

When: Tuesday January 15th, 2019 4:00pm EST
Where: Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. Zone #10 (Corner of Independence & 1st SE)

Manuel and Patricia Oliver, and March for Our Lives leadership will be available for interviews.

About Change the Ref- (CTR) Founded in memory of their son Joaquin, who was one of the 17 victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, FL, Manuel and Patricia Oliver are committed to raising awareness about mass shootings through strategic urban art interventions that will reduce the influence of the NRA on the electoral process on the federal level.

March for Our Lives DC – (MFOL) Founded by survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Massacre, MFOL is a student run organization which mobilizes and organizes young people in the fight against gun violence. MFOL DC is a student run chapter of MFOL based in Washington D.C.

Eve Levenson – 310-909-4789
Amit Dadon – 954-292-5016


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SOURCE March for Our Lives, D.C.