Next Day Disclosure Return
(Equity issuer - changes in issued share capital and/or share buybacks)
Name of listed issuer: _Madex International (Holdings) Limited

For Main Board listed issuers

Stock code: 231 Date submitted: 18 January 2013
Section I must be completed by a listed issuer where there has been a change in its issued share capital which is discloseable pursuant to rule 13.25A of the Rules (the
"Listing Rules") Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Exchange").
Section II must also be completed by a listed issuer where it has made a repurchase of shares which is discloseable under rule 10.06(4)(a).
Description of securities: Ordinary Shares of HK$0.05 each


Issues of shares

(Notes 6 and 7)

No. of shares

Issued shares as a % of existing issued share

capital before relevant share issue

(Notes 4, 6 and 7)

Issue price per share

(Notes 1 and 7)

Closing market price per share of the

immediately preceding business day

(Note 5)

% discount/ premium of issue price to market price

(Note 7)

Opening balance as at

(Note 2)

31 December 2012

(date of last submitted monthly return)


(Note 3)

Issue of shares on 18 January

2013 as a result of exercise of

conversion right attached to the convertible note issued by the Company as detailed in the circular of the Company dated 25 May 2011





Approximately 3.23%


Share repurchases



Closing balance as at

(Note 8)

18 January 2013


For Main Board listed issuers

A. Purchase report
Trading date
Number of securities purchased
Method of purchase
Price per share or highest
price paid $ Lowest price paid $ Total paid $
Total N/A
B. Additional information for issuer whose primary listing is on the Exchange
1. Number of such securities purchased on the Exchange in the year to date (since ordinary resolution)
2. % of issued share capital at time ordinary resolution passed acquired on the Exchange since date of resolution
( (a) x 100 )
issued share capital
N/A %
We hereby confirm that the repurchases set out in A above which were made on the Exchange were made in accordance with the Listing Rules and that there have been no
material changes to the particulars contained in the Explanatory Statement dated
which has been filed with the Exchange. We also confirm that any
purchases set out in A above which were made on another stock exchange were made in accordance with the domestic rules applying to purchases made on that other exchange.

Note to Section II: Please state whether on the Exchange, on another stock exchange (stating the name of the exchange), by private arrangement or by general offer.

Submitted by: (Name)

Chan Kwan Pak

Company Secretary
(Director, Secretary or other duly authorised officer)

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