Indiana’s largest not-for-profit health plan, MDwise, Inc., is using ZeOmega® Inc. technology to improve medication safety and help reduce chances for medication-related issues as patients move through the care continuum with the end goal of achieving better health outcomes. MDwise is focusing on medication by adding Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Part D functionality in the Jiva population health platform from ZeOmega.

The move means the 1,400-plus providers in MDwise’s network can now access Jiva to better understand the medications patients are being prescribed, assess their drug therapy adherence, and make necessary adjustments to improve medication safety. This is especially important for more than 360,000 elderly, low-income, youth, and other vulnerable populations served by MDwise plans such as Hoosier Healthwise, Healthy Indiana Plan, and Hoosier Care Connect.

This latest addition of ZeOmega technology builds on significant success MDwise has achieved since engaging Jiva more than two years ago. After deploying Jiva within its skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), the organization experienced a 66-percent reduction in readmissions and a 61-percent reduction in length of stays. In a pilot effort with six Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs), MDwise generated a 50-percent improvement in adolescent well-care visits, a 50-percent improvement in adult preventative care, and a 75-percent improvement in LDL levels related to diabetic care.

“Our goal is to better serve our populations, and given our successful track record with Jiva, it was a natural next step to incorporate a number of Jiva platform enhancements including medication therapy management for our members,” said Janet Edwards, director of care management with MDwise. “Providers throughout the various health insurance programs will use Jiva’s new capabilities to further enhance care and utilization management to achieve greater provider collaboration, higher levels of patient engagement and better patient outcomes.”

New Jiva functionality, particularly in case management, will benefit MDwise especially because it focuses on populations that may be traditionally under-served or have limited access to healthcare. Jiva will help MDwise to improve workflow efficiencies as their patient population continues to grow. The latest Jiva implementation will also help MDwise meet more industry mandates, including state and NCQA requirements, through an enhanced patient assessment platform that removes redundant questions for more efficient use of staff time and provides better patient care.

Other new Jiva features include improvements to help reduce processing times, heighten client security, and provide critical tools that target key at-risk populations such as geriatric and pediatric patients. ZeOmega will continue to host Jiva through a secure, SOC 2-compliant data center, enabling MDwise to minimize infrastructure costs and dedicated staff time through a proven SaaS model.

“By using Jiva for enhanced medication management, MDwise is well equipped to broaden collaboration across care management teams to improve the patient experience, deliver better healthcare, and reduce healthcare costs,” said Dr. Christopher Mathews, chief medical officer at ZeOmega. “MDwise plays a critical role in the lives and health of thousands of at-risk Indiana residents, and ZeOmega is very pleased to broaden our relationship with them.”

About ZeOmega

ZeOmega’s powerful population health platform, Jiva, delivers high-value, strategic solutions enabling payers and care-delivery organizations to improve individual health and provider performance. With deep domain expertise and a comprehensive understanding of complex population health challenges, ZeOmega serves as a true partner for clients, offering flexible deployment and delivery models that leverage an innovative platform designed to integrate workflow, analytics, content and communication capabilities. By consistently meeting customer expectations and project benchmarks, ZeOmega has earned a reputation for responsiveness and reliability. For more information, visit or call 214-618-9880. Follow ZeOmega on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.

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