STORY: ::May 24, 2024

::Locals suffer sleepless nights after power cuts hit

Pakistan's Jacobabad city during a 122 °F heatwave

::Jacobabad, Pakistan

::"Our houses become very hot because of intense heat in Jacobabad. It is difficult to sleep at home. That is why we come down here to sleep on the rooftop after a tiresome day. It is a bit breezy here which reduces the heat and we are able to get some sleep here."

::Weather officials warn of more heatwaves

to hit Pakistan next week, and in June

Long after the sun has set, temperature in the city was recorded at 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit, rendering locals to spend another restless night in the heat.

Jacobabad's roughly 200,000 residents are well aware of their reputation as one of the world's hottest cities. Even as they grapple with a severe heatwave sweeping across the region, frequent power cuts in the city add to their woes.

Jacobabad residents would have to cope with the heat for at least two more weeks, data from meteorological agency showed.

The current sizzling temperature is likely to last until May 30, authorities said on Thursday (May 23). A second heatwave is expected to hit parts of the country from June 7 to June 8, and a third in the final week of June, an official from the climate change ministry said.