V. Vasiliauskas will present the euro adoption preparations in Lithuania to the head of the Bank of France and the media

January 27, 2014

The Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania, Vitas Vasiliauskas, on Tuesday will meet in Paris with the Governor of the Bank of France, Christian Noyer, and representatives of economic think tanks and the media, who will be presented with the newest information on Lithuania's economy and the country's preparedness to adopt the euro.

"Within several months the euro area countries will have to decide whether to accept Lithuania on their team or have us wait a little longer. We believe that comprehensive and detailed information on the country's economic development, its sustainability and preparedness to adopt the euro are important to make a decision. Therefore, our goal is for the heads and residents of those countries that will decide on Lithuania's membership in the euro area to receive the most accurate information from a primary source", says V. Vasiliauskas.

The meetings planned with France's public authorities, media and economic think tanks representatives shows that there is great interest in Lithuania.

The Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania this half-year plans a series of meetings with heads of other euro area country central bank heads and economists, with whom he will discuss the prospects of euro adoption in Lithuania.

This month V. Vasiliauskas already met with Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the National Bank of Austria, and presented the country's economic development and prospects for Lithuania in a round-table discussion.

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