Libre Wireless Technologies, Inc. a leading embedded WiFi and wireless solutions provider, announced today at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas Nevada that it has worked closely with Google regarding the exciting new Google Cast for Audio streaming technology. Libre Wireless has been working closely with Google to enable it’s exciting Google Cast for Audio technology on their industry leading LibreSync media streaming platform. This updated LibreSync platform will provide consumer electronic brands and ODM customers with a complete WiFi network media module and RF/Antenna solution combined with extensive system software, all optimized and integrated with the new Google Cast for Audio feature. This turn-key scalable and customizable Linux based solution will enable rapid adoption, brand differentiation, quick time to market and greatly simplify the design-in process for Google Cast for Audio enabled consumer products.

“The Google Cast for Audio technology enables an exciting new user experience in the home providing consistent and extensive support across many music services to deliver a great experience,” says Hooman Kashef, CEO of Libre Wireless Technologies. “We are excited to be the solution provider partner for Google Cast for Audio with our industry leading LibreSync platform. Libre’s extensive media streaming platform, experience and design support will make it easier for customers to integrate this exciting new feature. We look forward to working with our many CE brand customers and ODM partners to bring compelling new Google Cast for Audio enabled products to market.”

Libre Wireless Technologies is now ready for engagements with customers regarding the new Google Cast for Audio enabled LibreSync WiFi module and software solutions.

About Libre Wireless Technologies

Libre Wireless Technologies has extensive expertise and experience in developing WiFi, wireless and media streaming software and SDK platforms, electronic modules and RF/antenna design solutions. The Libre team has deep WiFi technology and Audio/Video system design experience combined with world wide sales, technical support and design partnerships. The LibreSync platform incorporates unique media streaming technology, broad mobile platform ecosystem support, seamless interoperability, scalable price/performance solution options, optimized and flexible WiFi/Bluetooth options (1x1 11n, 2x2 11n, 11n/ac) and extensive system level features. Optimized for performance, power, size and cost, LibreSync solutions provide ODM’s and CE Brand customers with the most complete, flexible and ecosystem leading media streaming platform available.