WASHINGTON, Jan. 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Larry Klayman, counsel for individual plaintiffs who were seriously harmed by the dangerous drug Levaquin, brought suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia alleging violations of the Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Act ("RICO"), the Lanham Act, and a variety of common law torts. http://www.larryklayman.com/pdf/160119-Final Filed Levaquin Complaint .pdf

According to Klayman, "Obama administration appointee, former FDA Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg, is at the heart of this scandal, and her husband Peter Brown, co-CEO of Renaissance Technologies, L.L.C., a major New York hedge fund. While Dr. Hamburg was head of the FDA, her husband profited enormously from as much as half a billion dollars in Johnson & Johnson stock, the maker of Levaquin, held by Renaissance Technologies."

Levaquin is a drug intended to treat a range of infections, including routine sinus, skin and urinary tract infections.

The complaint alleges Dr. Hamburg and her husband and others at Renaissance Technologies, L.L.C., conspired with Johnson & Johnson and other defendants to suppress information about Levaquin's harmful effects. "To reveal it would have not only harmed Johnson & Johnson's profits, but invite significant lawsuits, driving Johnson & Johnson stock price downward, thereby financially harming Dr. Hamburg, her husband and Renaissance Technologies' profits. Plaintiffs were unwitting victims, suffering from a variety of medical conditions, some of which were just recently disclosed at an FDA Advisory Committee Hearing November 5, 2015.

The complaint can be found at www.larryklayman.com and its allegations speak for themselves.

Klayman called it "a major scandal affecting the health plaintiffs and thousands of others. Defendants allegedly reaped large financial gains and profits at the expense of my clients. The entire sad episode exemplifies how some in private industry allegedly conspire and act with Washington D.C. public officials to greedily line their pockets, leaving everyone else to be damned."

"The complaint asks for millions of dollars in damages and justice," said Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, and a former federal prosecutor who, during his tenure at the U.S. Department of Justice, not coincidentally prosecuted on behalf of the Food and Drug Administration and other federal agencies, as well as serving on the trial team that, in a landmark antitrust case, broke up the monopoly of AT&T.

For information, contact daj142182@gmail.com.

Media contact: Adrienne Mazzone 561-750-9800 x2270; amazzone@transmediagroup.com.

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/larry-klayman-files-lawsuit-against-former-fda-commissioner-hamburg-johnson--johnson-and-others-sued-for-alleged-racketeering-and-other-claims-over-dangerous-drug-levaquin-300206300.html

SOURCE Larry Klayman