• New York based FinTech heralds new way of offering portfolio compression by focusing on reducing systemic risk

NEW YORK, Jan. 18, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LMRKTS, delivering a fresh approach to multilateral and dimensional portfolio compression, has secured an investment from global investment firm Motive Partners.

LMRKTS balances participants’ bespoke limits and individual objectives with a structured methodology that delivers mutually beneficial results, driving down exposures and reducing costs for each participant in various asset classes. Its proven process gives clients confidence in a critical area of risk management, secure in the knowledge that LMRKTS is an independent and trusted partner to the largest Tier 1 institutions in the world.

Motive Partners is a global investment firm which takes an integrated approach, dedicated to tech-enabled companies that underpin financial services. It was established, and is run, by some of the world’s leading investors, operators and innovators in the financial technology sector who among them have an unparalleled global network.

In September last year, LMRKTS eliminated $430 billion worth of foreign exchange notional exposures across five currencies for six banks in its first scaled commercial run, demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of its approach. LMRKTS recently reached the trillion-dollar mark of gross notional reduction in the third run.

LMRKTS achieves this level of risk exposure reduction by focusing on the derivatives contracts that represent the highest cost to banks. Banks reconcile their counterparty exposures through LMRKTS' platform, and LMRKTS' algorithms finds trades they may want to add or delete. Paid only on the completion of a successful compression run, LMRKTS’ compensation is a small percentage of the total savings they provide clients.

Lucio Biase, CEO at LMRKTS, commented:
“After 2008, regulators and banks shifted their focus from reducing leverage to lowering counterparty risk across market participants. The LMRKTS team has developed a market friendly means to address the regulatory mandate through years of testing and development with banks, clearing houses, policy makers and regulators.

“Our hope is to deliver an end state to clients that carries roughly the same amount of counterparty risk as market risk, and to do this through a post trade process that is as easy if not easier to use than existing methodologies. 

“We were fortunate to secure this investment from Motive Partners to anchor our Series A financing. Motive Partners and their founding partners have a diversified, unique perspective and strong track record in the FinTech space globally, having been on all sides of the FinTech equation for a very long time.”

Hilary Park, CSO at LMRKTS, commented:
“LMRKTS strives to drive the counterparty risk of a derivatives portfolio down to its net market risk and to do so through a post trade process as easy if not easier to use than existing compression services.  We have developed math that reverse solves from this ideal end state and are excited to roll out new applications of these methodologies over the coming months and years.

“To achieve this, we have broken away not only from traditional compression methods, but even the mathematical methods typically applied to the problem, opting instead to develop our own heuristics custom fit for the clients’ individual requests and jurisdictions.”

Stephen C. Daffron, Managing Partner at Motive Partners, commented:
“LMRKTS is a market changing proposition, has a talented leadership team and an ambition to shape the future of the financial technology world. We are very excited about this unique opportunity to partner with them.

“We know Lucio and the management team very well and have been monitoring the progression of LMRKTS over the past year. We look forward to working with the team and helping the business to succeed.”

More information on LMRKTS can be found at www.lmrkts.com

More information on Motive Partners, its strategy and team can be found at www.motivepartners.com

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LMRKTS brings equilibrium to the market – a fresh approach providing multi-lateral and dimensional portfolio compression in a way that drives down exposures and reduces costs for every participant in different asset classes.

LMRKTS services are structured to efficiently bring counterparty risk into balance with market exposure.  Paid only on the completion of a successful compression round, LMRKTS’ compensation is a function of the total cost reduced.


About Motive Partners
Motive Partners is a global investment firm which has been formed to address the unique opportunity in financial technology through an integrated platform with the capability to invest, operate and innovate across the financial technology ecosystem.

Motive Partners has been established and will be run by a team of the world’s leading financial services and technology leaders with exceptional domain expertise, relationships and track records.


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