As the first to offer the annual top 10 Hot High Tech Jobs list over 25 years ago, Jeff Christian, CEO, and founder of Christian and Timbers, now Executive Chairman of Jeff Christian Partners, revive the authentic list of Hot High Tech Jobs and identifies what’s hot in the job market for 2020.

Dave Kinley, the CEO of Jeff Christian Partners, and a founding leader of Christian and Timbers comments “Though many have attempted similar Hot Jobs studies by tracking the demand of job postings, they miss the authentic requirements we created at C&T for a Hot Job which is scarcity and demand.”

“Because of the intense demand for Women Board Members, CEOs and promotable balanced leadership, as well as the scarcity of non-white male leadership, the number one Hot High Tech Job for 2020, is The Balanced Leader,” states Jeff Christian.

“When Del Jones first released our Top 10 High Tech Jobs over 20 years ago in USA Today, the Web Master and venture-backed CEO were two of the first hot high tech jobs to appear in our study,” continues Dave Kinley.

“This year we have stayed true to the original requirements by querying CEOs, start-up founders, VC/PEs, Board Members, and the top leadership of the hottest emerging technologies including AI, Cyber, Robotics, Digital Transformation, Space, Digital Health and National Security,” continues Jeff Christian.

Here are the cutting edge tech jobs at the top of this year’s list.

1. The Balanced Leader The overall trend towards balanced leadership (diversity) plus California’s SB 826 law that requires companies to have one woman board member by the end of 2019 and most two or three by the end of 2021, is making 2020 the Year of Balanced Leadership.

2. National Security Data Scientist. For the past four years, many Hot Job lists have claimed the Data Scientist as the hottest job of the year. That might be true if you were only measuring job postings. As soon as you add scarcity, the Data Scientist with a security clearance trumps all individual contributor tech jobs.
” Because of the extraordinary funding to regain our technological superiority, Space companies like Blue Origin, Space X, Aerospace Defense, and Cyber/AI National Security companies are all competing for this scarce talent.” according to Jeff Christian.

3. CEO Digital Health. As AI and Analytics permeate all aspects of society, business and advancing technologies, the CEO of digital health startups and fast-growth companies will be the most in-demand for 2020.

4. Backable CEO. With venture capital and private equity beginning 2020 with over $3 billion in dry powder to invest (NVCA, Bain & Company), and an embracement of talent-centric investing, CEOs that can deliver predictive, high-performance business outcomes can name their price.

5. Chief Data Officer. We believe the hottest and highest paying job in data science is the Chief Data Officer. The CDO not only has to be an expert in data science, but they must also understand how data drives their specific industry sector/company and know how to attract and retain the hottest and rarest talent in the world.

6. Chief Information/Security Officer. The Chief Information/Security Officer is one of the most sought after, highest-paying CXOs, demanding compensation packages between $2m - $3m. CIOs have had the overwhelming task of collecting multiple silos of data, acquiring the requisite hardware, software, networking, and now have the added task of cyber threat and data protection.

7. Chief Technology Officer. When we first started doing CTO searches for tech companies like Adobe and HP, the CTO was responsible for overall tech strategy and R&D for new products and solutions. IT demands as well as advancing core technology exists for every large company in every industry today.

8. Advisory/Governing Board Members. Ten years after the birth of Silicon Valley, the Advisory Board Member was rare and the role did not attract top leadership. As we enter 2020, with PE Firms deploying Operating Partners as Advisory Board Members and $1B Unicorns start-ups looking for any way to add great talent, the Advisory Board Member and Governing Board Member are at a premium.

9. Executive Chairman. Leadership, leadership, leadership or talent, talent, talent -- the three most important things for successful companies. Startups, fast-growth emerging tech companies, PE-backed to large global corporations with the strongest Boards, all know the only differentiator is talent and great leadership. As a result, the ability to have two top CEO leaders is better than one, particularly when just acquiring and integrating acquisitions is a full-time job as well as organic growth.

10. PE Operating Partners. The operating partner used to be considered house cats at VC/PE firms waiting for a deal to be the CEO. The demand is so great for CEO Talent that VC and PE firms are trying to find the very best CEOs any way they can even paying them huge compensation packages previous for there is a company for them to run.

According to Jeff Christian Partners, the hottest PE-backed consolidation plays attract the greatest number of extraordinary CEOs because they can monetize within three to seven years.

Jeff Christian Partners is the world leader in talent equity search, combining extraordinary leadership, market intel and capital in the building of great companies.

Jeff Christian is the author of "The Headhunters Edge" and founder of Christian and Timbers and has been named for four years on the Forbes Midas List. A frequent guest on CNBC, Christian is the recognized leader in search, having completed the first CEO search for HP and Steve Jobs' last two board searches and finding CEOs for F5 Networks and Upwork.