To All Concerned Parties

English Translation

The following is an English translation of the original Japanese press release and is being provided for informational purposes only.

January 8, 2013
REIT Issuer: Japan Rental Housing Investments Inc.
6-16-12 Shinbashi
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004
Toshiya Kuroda, Executive Director
(Securities Code: 8986) Asset Manager: Mi-Casa Asset Management Inc.

Yutaka Higashino, President and Chief Executive Officer

Inquiries: Tetsu Kasuga, Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +81-3-5425-5600

Notice Concerning Interest-Rate Swap Agreement

Japan Rental Housing Investments Inc. (the "Investment Corporation") announces that the Investment Corporation concluded an interest-rate swap agreement. Details are provided as follows.

I. Purpose of the Interest-Rate Swap Agreement

The Investment Corporation has decided to conclude an interest-rate swap agreement as a hedge against possible increase of the interest rates in future. This interest-rate swap agreement is not for the specific borrowing, is for the amount of 5billion yen out of the entire borrowing.

II. Summary of the Interest-Rate Swap Agreement


The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.

Notional Amount:

5billion yen

Interest Rate:

Pay a fixed interest rate: 0.3475%

Receive a floating interest rate: Base rate (JPY TIBOR for 1-month of JBA)

Commencement Date:

January 22, 2013

Termination Date:

January 22, 2018

Payment Date:

First interest payment on February 22, 2013, and at 22nd of every month (on the next

business date, if 22nd is a non-business day)

Note: Based on this interest-rate swap agreement, basically, the base rate for the amount of 5billion yen out of the entire borrowing is fixed at 0.3475%.
Note: The base rate shall be calculated based on JPY TIBOR for 1-month which Japanese Bankers Association (JBA)
releases two business days prior to each payment date. JPY TIBOR appears on website of JBA (ht tp:// en/tibor/).


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