"I am by no means the first woman to multitask."

"You're meant to be in bed, darling!"

"Me Too must become We Too."

Jacinda Ardern's most memorable moments

Becoming the first prime minister since Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto

to hold office while pregnant and take maternity leave

Paying tribute to Maori culture with her baby's name

"And we thought we would start by sharing for the first time beyond our family the name that we have chosen for our little girl. Which is Neve Te Aroha Ardern-Gayford. Or Neve Gayford for short."

Taking her baby daughter to the United Nations General Assembly

(Jessica Mutch, TVNZ reporter) "Well there is a lot of international interest in you as well. Do you feel like you're paving the way for women around the world to do what you're doing?"

(Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand Prime Minister)

"And that's the things that feels quite extraordinary to me is that, day to day you know I'm worrying about feeding, sleeping and nappies, and then there's this overlay of interest in what is actually something that is mundane, it is something that every parent has gone through. And yet I absolutely accept this layer of interest because it's not our normal yet. But one day it will be."

Embracing mourners after the Christchurch terrorist attack

in which a gunman opened fire on two mosques, leaving 51 people dead

"And to others I implore you: speak the names of those who were lost, rather than the name of the man who took them. He may have sought notoriety, but we in New Zealand will give him nothing. Not even his name."

Keeping her cool during an earthquake while she was live on air

"We're just having a bit of an earthquake here Ryan. Quite a decent shake here. But, if you see things moving behind me. The Beehive (Parliament House) moves a little more than most."

Trying to coax her daughter to go to bed

during a Facebook Live session about the COVID pandemic

"But you'll see the greatest certainty for business... You're meant to be in bed, darling! It's bedtime darling. Pop back to bed, I'll come and see you in a second. I'll come and see you in a minute, okay? Sorry, everybody!"

Reassuring children that the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy

were classed as 'essential workers' during the COVID pandemic

"Yes, you'll be pleased to know that we do consider both the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny to be essential workers. But as you can imagine at this time they are going to be potentially quite busy at home with their family as well, and their own bunnies and so I say to the children of New Zealand, if the Easter Bunny doesn't make it to your household, then we have to understand that it's a bit difficult at the moment for the Bunny to perhaps get everywhere."

Calling out sexism in politics alongside Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin

by dismissing reporters' suggestions

that their similar age and gender was the reason for the meeting

(Reporter) "A lot of people will be wondering are you two meeting just because you're similar in age and you know got a lot of common stuff."

"My first question is, I wonder whether or not anyone ever asked Barack Obama and John Key if they met because they were of similar age. We, of course, have a higher proportion of men in politics, it's reality. Because two women meet it's not simply because of their gender."