29th January 2013

Following the invitation for those affected to submit claims for repayment of VAT previously paid on the takings of gaming machines (based on the principle of fiscal neutrality - see http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/treasury/customs/vatongamingmachinetakingsupdat.pdf ) - many businesses have already submitted claims.

This is a reminder that income from gaming machines which becomes liable to Machine Games Duty from 1 February 2013 will become VAT-exempt. Supplementary claims for any overpaid VAT for the period up to 31 January 2013 should be made at the earliest opportunity and, where possible, before 31 March 2013.

Any business entitled to a refund that has yet to submit a claim for any period should do so urgently to ensure that the claim is within time limits.

For more information contact Customs and Excise

Isle of Man Customs and Excise

PO Box 6

Custom House

North Quay


Isle of Man

IM99 1AG
01624 648140
01624 661725
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