Irving Levin Associates, Inc. will host an important health care webinar on Thursday, February 11, 2016, during which expert panelists will discuss hospital M&A. Merger and acquisition activity among hospitals and health systems has remained steady in the past two years, as the effects of the Affordable Care Act have slowly taken hold. Now these providers are in the midst of the transition from fee-based to value-based and bundled payments, assuming more risk than ever before. Yet, even as more consumers gain health care coverage, inpatient volumes continue to drop nationwide.

At the same time, renewed scrutiny from the Federal Trade Commission could cause even more transactions to unwind. Will M&A be replaced by affiliations, joint ventures and partnerships? Our panel will discuss emerging trends in valuations, deal structure and regulatory scrutiny.

Brian Nichols, Partner at Robinson & Cole LLP and moderator of the panel, will pose topical questions such as: how the various forms of affiliations, partnerships and joint ventures may affect a valuation; how the typical deal structure is changing in this economic climate; historic acquisition pricing metrics, and what the outlook is for 2016 and beyond; and about the niche opportunities that are opening up as healthcare providers expand their continuum of care.

Our panel of experts will address these topics and others—and answer questions from the listening audience. Our experts include: Curtis Bernstein, Principal, Pinnacle Healthcare Consulting; Colin McDermott, Managing Director, VMG Health; and Manfred Steiner, Managing Director & Principal, BGL Healthcare Transaction Advisors.

Founded in 1948, Irving Levin Associates, Inc. is the leading publisher of newsletters, reports, and online data on mergers and acquisitions in the seniors housing and healthcare industries. Irving Levin Associates invites you to take part in this don’t-miss webinar.

Hospitals: Buying, Selling and Valuing is expected to generate a stimulating discussion. If you’re interested in this topic, you’ll want to attend this informative webinar on Thursday, February 11, at 1:00 pm ET.

Please visit or call (203) 846-6800 for more information.

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