From January to December 2013 INTERSPORT Polska S.A. chain gained turnover comparable to the one from previous year, excluding the one-time event, i.e. additional sales of licensed UEFA EURO products conducted in 2012 at stadiums and fan zones.

Increasingly, from January to December 2013 the Company gained net revenue on sales of products and services of PLN 219,866 thousand, i.e. 5.6% less than in the analogous period of the previous year. In 2012 the turnover of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. chain reached the level of PLN 233,004 thousand, including an additional, one-time revenue of PLN 13,323 thousand from the sales of licensed UEFA EURO products, conducted at 30 selling outlets located at stadiums and fan zones.

In December 2013 the Company gained net revenue on sales of PLN 27.572 thousand, i.e. 6.8% less than in the analogous period of 2012 when the Company's turnover reached the level of PLN 29,595 thousand.  

Excluding the 2012 one-time selling event referred to above, in 2013 the turnover of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. chain was comparable to the one of 2012 (0.1% higher than in the previous year).  

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