BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Jan. 31, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Megaputer Intelligence, Inc., a leading data and text mining solution provider, is hosting a workshop at the 2019 Warranty Chain Management Conference (WCM) held in Orlando, Florida on March 12-14.

The WCM Conference is an annual platform that brings together nearly 300 warranty professionals and executives as well as providers of analytics tools and other services. Dr. Sergei Ananyan, CEO of Megaputer Intelligence, will hold a three-hour training workshop on Tuesday, March 12th at 2:00pm, on “Identifying Warranty Cost, Emerging Issues & Fraud Using Text Analysis.”

Workshop Overview
To reveal the true picture of warranty repairs, we need to go beyond the analysis of structured data alone. Structured codes frequently turn out to be incomplete and misleading. The associated textual notes, however, provide significantly more reliable and in-depth information on each incident. Armed with this information, we can derive valuable insights for improving the design, engineering, and production processes, estimating the dynamics of the cost of repairs, and detecting and investigating possible fraud and abuse.

This workshop outlines how a solution that combines textual and structured data analysis has helped a large automobile manufacturer answer the following questions:

  1. What are the most frequent, expensive and strongly correlated repairs by different vehicle series, models, and years?
  2. How can we detect emerging issues earlier that are projected to become serious problems in the near future?
  3. How can we discover key anomalies, fraud, and abuse across the dealer network, without any upfront guidance?

This session will outline ways to derive valuable insights from textual descriptions of the performed repairs and the associated structured data, discuss techniques for creating actionable outputs, and business considerations that drive final decisions. Attendees will learn about the typical pitfalls of data analysis projects and ways to work around them. Additionally, the workshop will provide a simple cost-benefit analysis process to consider when introducing advanced text and data analytics in a warranty management program.

Who Should Attend
This workshop is designed for people interested in discovering key drivers of warranty costs and their time evolution for individual product models, detecting emerging issues early, and unveiling systematic anomalies and potential fraud in the behavior of individual dealers.

The target audience for this workshop includes:

  • Warranty Directors/Managers
  • Quality Directors/Managers
  • Product Managers
  • Loss Prevention Directors/Managers
  • Extended Warranty Managers
  • Insurers

While we discuss an example taken from the automotive industry, the presented methodology, challenges and solutions are directly applicable to the analysis of warranty and repair data of any product manufacturer. Attendees from the following industries are specially invited:

  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Electronics
  • Appliances
  • Equipment
  • Computer Hardware / Software

Learning Points
Participants will learn:

  • How the analysis of textual repair and support notes provides extra value
  • Challenges of using advanced text analytics on repairs notes and their solutions
  • Ways to discover key drivers of the repair cost and their correlations with product models
  • How to track the growth of the cost of specific repairs with time-in-use
  • Techniques for early detection of emerging patterns
  • How to detect systematic anomalies in dealer behavior and reveal fraud patterns
  • Cost-benefit analysis of introducing text analytics to warranty management

For more information and to sign up for the conference workshop session, please visit:

About the WCM Conference
The WCM provides a forum for warranty professionals and executives to meet and discuss warranty related issues and develop warranty management as a recognized discipline. The conference is intended to appeal to a diverse range of companies encompassing electronics, automotive, aerospace and white goods industries; as well as their service providers and companies who develop tools and software that support the multibillion-dollar warranty industries. WCM is a growing area of interest in many companies, ranging from large multi-nationals through to mid-size and smaller engineering, call center management and warranty service providers.

About Megaputer
Megaputer Intelligence ( is a leading provider of data and text mining software and custom analytical solutions for various application domains. Megaputer analytical tools enable customers worldwide to make informed data-driven decisions.
Megaputer is a registered trademark of Megaputer Intelligence Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

For more information:
Brian Howard
(812) 330-0110
