After a year with a dizzying volume of energy policy activity across the states, the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) calls out some favorite success stories, in its 2017 Clean Energy States Honor Roll, announced today.

IREC is a 35-year-old national independent not-for-profit organization that works state by state to increase consumer access to clean renewable energy through fact-based policy leadership, quality work force development, and consumer empowerment.

Most Growth Potential: Minnesota

For overcoming initial challenges to community solar, tackling interconnection (connection to the grid) reforms, and providing leadership on grid modernization in the Midwest.

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Most Creative Policy Solution: Illinois

For approaching clean energy policy comprehensively, integrating clean energy workforce provisions into new clean energy legislation, promoting equitable access to clean energy for all, and advancing collaborative community solar solutions.

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Most Surprising: Utah

For rising quietly in the ranks to be 6th in the nation for installed solar capacity in 2016, and for brokering a net metering settlement that protects existing solar customers and preserves the more than 4,400 solar jobs in the state.

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Most Charged for Storage: Maryland

For being the first state in the country to adopt an energy storage incentive and for tackling regulatory reforms on energy storage.

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“The Interstate Renewable Energy Council congratulates the many stakeholder groups, advocates, utilities and government decision makers who through their work on improved energy policies and practices make the benefits of clean energy available to more Americans, today and in the future,” said IREC President/CEO Larry Sherwood. “Here’s to more successes to come in 2018!”