ILO Director-General Guy Ryder and Netherlands Minister for Trade and Development, Lilianne Ploumen in Davos
DAVOS - The Netherlands Minister for Trade and Development, Lilianne Ploumen and the ILO's Director General, Guy Ryder, signed the new Netherlands / ILO Partnership Programme 2014-2017 on 23 January at the World Economic Forum in Davos .

This new four-year programme will provide € 2,5 million a year as an unearmarked core contribution that will allow the ILO to respond flexibly to the demands of developing countries for ILO assistance.

The Partnership further continues the support to the joint ILO/IFC programme Better Work, which works to improve working conditions and productivity in the garment sector in a range of countries, including Bangladesh. With this new Partnership the Netherlands confirms its role as a key ILO partner and leading ILO donor.

The contribution is aimed at improving working conditions in low- and middle-income countries. "Decent work means poverty alleviation. The ILO works with companies and governments to ensure this. That commitment is at the core of my new agenda for aid, trade and investment. The Netherlands hence supports the important work of the ILO over the next four years," said Minister Ploumen.

Half of the contribution will support the successful joint ILO/IFC Better Work Programme, which promotes ILO standards and principles to address problems in the textile sector in countries such as Bangladesh and Indonesia.

The other half is an open contribution which the Organization can allocate where it is most needed, quickly and effectively.
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