Today, IDC Government Insights hosted a Web conference titled, IDC Government Insights 2014 Predictions: Worldwide Smart Cities, highlighting market predictions for the year ahead. Featuring Smart Cities Strategies Director, Ruthbea Yesner Clarke, and IDC Government Insights analysts Alison Brooks and Mukesh Chulani, the session provided organizations and government agencies with insight and perspective on long-term industry trends along with new themes on the horizon. The Predictions Web Conference Series is designed to help company leaders capitalize on emerging market opportunities and plan for future growth.

An audio replay of today's Web conference will be available within 12 hours; to access the replay and receive a complimentary copy of the presentation, a please visit:

  • ClicktoTweet: IDC Government Insights Releases Top 10 Worldwide Smart Cities Predictions for 2014

The Top 10 Smart Cities Predictions for 2014 are:

  • Prediction 1 - In 2014,15% of cities in the world will be in the Opportunistic Stage of Smart City maturity.
  • Prediction 2 - Shadow IT will be a major source of departmental level innovation but will threaten Smart City roadmaps.
  • Prediction 3 - The key enabler of omni-channel citizen experience will be mobile.
  • Prediction 4 - The business case for NextGen311 investment will be based on operational performance transformation value and not just customer service.
  • Prediction 5 - Open data sets and open APIs will start to affect policy decision-making.
  • Prediction 6 - Leading edge cities experiment with gamification as first step to nudge citizen behavior change.
  • Prediction 7 - Worldwide Smart City spending on the Internet of Things will be $265 billion in 2014.
  • Prediction 8 - In 2014, Smart Cities will redirect 15-20% of traditional IT spending to the cloud.
  • Prediction 9 - 45% of all big data use cases will be in financial performance, public safety, and transportation.
  • Prediction 10 - Competition heats up and there is significant M&A and partnership activity as vendors better define their offerings.

"This is going to be a big year for Smart Cities. Cities will move more quickly from research and evaluation to investment in pilots and the organizational structures to support Smart City initiatives," said Ruthbea Yesner Clarke, Research Director, IDC Government Insights Smart Cities Strategies. "We predict that in 2014 there will be a lot of partnership activity as vendors define their Smart City offerings and strive to gain customer mindshare."

For additional information about these predictions or to arrange a one-on-one briefing, please contact Sarah Murray at 781-378-2674 or Reports are available to qualified members of the media. For information on purchasing reports, contact; reporters should email

About IDC Predictions

A hallmark of IDC's offering for three decades, the annual Top 10 Predictions reports provide our outlook on the IT market, across industries, in the coming year. Please visit for a complete listing.

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IDC Government Insights assists government policy, program, and IT leaders, as well as the suppliers who serve them, in making more effective technology decisions by providing accurate, timely, and insightful fact-based research and consulting services. Staffed by senior analysts with decades of government and IT industry experience, our global research analyzes and advises on business and technology issues facing the Federal/Central and local/provincial Governments. International Data Corporation (IDC) is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology market. IDC is a subsidiary of IDG, the world's leading technology, media, research, and events company. For more information, please visit, email, or call 703-485-8300. Visit the IDC Government Insights Community at

Mary Conroy, 508-988-6964
Director of Marketing
Attune Communications
Sarah Murray, 781-378-2674