The University of Queensland's Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) has completed an evaluation of the Mining: Partnerships for Development toolkit.   The evaluation, commissioned by ICMM, assesses the effectiveness and impact of the first six applications of the toolkit - the Executive Summary can be downloaded by clicking here.

Aidan Davy, Deputy President, ICMM comments: "We welcome the opportunity for external scrutiny and constructive criticism of the multi-year work effort that began in 2004.  The autonomy of the evaluation process by such a highly-respected institution in the international mining arena gives ICMM the opportunity to draw important lessons for its future work."

Remarks in the CSRM report affirm the toolkit's approach to generating high quality data about mining's contribution to economic and social development and providing concrete steps for establishing partnerships. While developed in collaboration with the World Bank and UNCTAD, the report also identifies that a core part of the toolkit's success is the ICMM brand. 

With this in mind, during 2014 ICMM aims to promote good practice by:

  • building capacity to apply the toolkit in the Africa region
  • revisiting selected past toolkit applications to reinforce partnerships
  • attending international conferences to share the evidence arising from our in country work, such as Brazil, Lao PDR, Peru and Zambia

For further information, contact Kate Carmichael -

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