Today, Humon unveiled the Humon Hex, a wearable that helps athletes understand the limits of their body and prescribes the perfect pace and workout intensities in real-time by measuring how muscles use oxygen – the best measure of exertion. The company also announced that the Humon Hex, which has been named a CES 2018 Innovation Awards Honoree, is now available to order.

“The wearable market for athletes to date has been dependent on measuring heart rate, which is a very limited indicator of fatigue and workout intensity. By measuring the amount of oxygen that a muscle group is using, athletes can reach the optimum workout intensity level without exceeding their limits,” said Alessandro Babini, CEO and co-founder of Humon. “Our tests showed that this level of insight into the body allowed athletes to improve significantly faster than with heart-rate based devices. Some users already report shaving up to 20% off their target time. We’re excited to bring this level of insight to the market for athletes around the world.”

Introducing the Humon Hex – A Wearable to Measure Muscle Oxygen

The Humon Hex is the first clinically validated wearable to use optical sensors to noninvasively monitor the oxygen levels in the muscle. Unlike the common wrist worn wearables, the Humon Hex has been designed to be worn on the thigh to measure oxygen saturation in the quadriceps. This muscle group was chosen to be monitored because it is the most exerted muscle for most endurance athletes.

Using this localized muscle information, the Hex provides personalized training insights that help athletes improve their performance. The athlete is guided by the Hex through the display of colored training zones that athletes use to pace themselves optimally. These insights are provided on a phone, watch, or bike computer in real time. Through this analysis, the Hex provides athletes with:

  • The optimal pace and workout intensities through personalized colored zones;
  • A localized muscle measurement indicating physical effort;
  • Peer reviewed clinically validated data.

While designed for endurance athletes, the Hex works on any muscle in the body and can provide insights to any type of athlete. The Humon Hex will be displayed at CES 2018 in the Fitness and Sports section of Eureka Park, from January 9-12 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Additional Resources

  • Ordering Details: To order the Humon Hex, please visit our store or order on Amazon.
  • Scientific Validation: The clinical validation study will be presented at the SPIE Photonics West conference on January 27th, 2018.
  • Videos: Please see here for demo videos.

About Humon:

Born out of MIT, Humon is on a mission to empower people with actionable insights about their body to allow them to be the best version of themselves. Four-time Olympic medalist, Ato Boldon, serves as an advisor to Humon, providing expertise in training at an elite level. Humon is headquartered in Boston, MA. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.