WASHINGTON, Jan. 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Airlink, a charity focused on mobilizing the aviation industry to ensure assistance reaches communities impacted by disasters and other humanitarian crises around the world, recently retained executive search firm Odgers Berndtson to launch the search for its next board chair. 

Once identified, the new board chair’s term will begin on January 1, 2020. Bob Brown, the organization’s current board chair and founding member, is expected to remain involved in the organization.

Brown recognizes handing over the reins as board chair to a new leader will help further develop the organization and make it possible for him to focus on other opportunities to help Airlink.

“By the end of 2019, I will have led Airlink’s board since its inception nine years ago,” said Bob Brown. “Best practices in good governance include a change in leadership from time-to-time. My engagement with Airlink has been one of the most fulfilling aspects of my entire career and I look forward to the next chapter of my Airlink service with great anticipation.”

Airlink will leverage Odgers Berndtson’s expertise in executive search and deep knowledge of the aviation industry and nongovernmental organizations to run a robust search to identify internal and external candidates for the board chair role. The search is part of the on-going growth and evolution of Airlink, which includes a strong focus on governance items such as board succession planning and trustee development. 

Airlink’s search committee and senior leadership are excited to work with the highly regarded search professionals at Odgers Berndtson.

Odgers Berndtson leadership involved in the Airlink board chair search are Tim McNamara, vice chairman (US) and head of the Transportation Infrastructure Practice and the Member Board Practice; Susan Thompson, partner and head of the Aviation Practice (UK); and John de Regt, head of board and leadership development.

“The Odgers Berndtson team is delighted to be partnering with the Airlink Board of Trustees in addressing this critical succession planning and leadership development need,” said Tim McNamara. “It is our privilege to give back to the global aviation community.” 

Airlink and Odgers Berndtson will be reaching-out to Airlink’s internal and external stakeholders and leadership in the commercial aviation and NGO and humanitarian relief sectors, to support Airlink’s search for a new board chair.  Those interested in the volunteer position or desiring to discuss the search are encouraged to contact Tim McNamara (tim.mcnamara@odgersberndtson.com)

Airlink is a global rapid-response humanitarian relief organization linking pre-qualified nonprofits with partner airlines to transport emergency personnel and supplies. Its network includes more than 80 aid organizations and 40 commercial and charter airlines. Since its inception in 2010, Airlink’s airline partners have flown over 5,000 relief workers and transported more than 3 million pounds of aid cargo. For more information, please visit www.airlinkflight.org. Follow Airlink on Facebook and Twitter.

Odgers Berndtson is one of the world’s leading executive search and human capital consulting firms with more than 60 offices in 29 countries specializing in leadership advice and services across every industry worldwide. For more information, please visit www.odgersberndtson.com.

Media Contact: Emily Sperling, esperling@airlinkflight.org, +1 941.387.4710

Search Contacts:

Robert Brown, bob.brown@vxcapital.com, +1 415.296.5252
Mark Packard, markstanfieldpackard@mac.com, +353.87.912. 9307

Odgers Berndtson
Tim McNamara, tim.mcnamara@odgersberndtson.com, +1 202.536.5168
