Agriculture Committee hears of short term pricing challenges for dairy farmers

The Oireachtas Joint Committee Agriculture, Food and the Marine has this morning heard of the significant challenges facing the Irish dairy sector in 2015, with record global milk output and weak market sentiment depressing milk prices.

15 January 2015

Representatives from the Irish Dairy Board were appearing before the Committee to consider potential difficulties and price volatility facing the dairy industry in the coming year. IDB Chairman Aaron Forde, Secretary Anne Randles and Director Bernard Condon addressed the Committee. The dairy co-operative exports about €2 billion worth of Irish produce to over 100 countries worldwide.  

Committee Chairman Andrew Doyle TD says: "We thank IDB representatives for a detailed presentation on the challenges and opportunities facing the Irish dairy sector in the immediate and longer terms. 2015 is likely to be a difficult year, with the favourable weather conditions in dairy producing regions worldwide increasing supply and weakening prices. External political factors, such as the Russian sanctions, have also added to the uncertainty.  

"With 90 percent of our milk being exported, the Committee was told of the initiatives by the Irish Dairy Board to insulate the sector from some of the impact of market volatility. Despite the obvious challenges in the short term, the Committee heard that Ireland's grass fed dairy sector enjoys significant advantages, both in terms of competitiveness and quality, to gain in the longer term. The Committee commended the IDB's broad approach in investing in brands, markets, people and innovation to deliver a stable return for dairy farmers over time.

"The Committee gained an important insight into the policy choices required by the Minister of Agriculture and his Department to secure a long term, stable and sustainable margin for Irish dairy farmers. The Committee has identified the issue as a priority and intends to invite other witnesses with experience and expertise in the area before us the near future. We intend to publish a report on the optimum policy approaches for the sector following the series of meetings."

View Committee Membership.

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