Hitachi ID Systems recently was named a leader in the privileged access management market by global IT research and analyst firm Ovum.

In their recent “Decision Matrix: Selecting a Privileged Identity Management Solution, 2015-2016”, Ovum provides an in-depth comparative view of the leading Privileged Identity Management solutions.

“Privileged identity management technology is needed to ensure that privileged access to business systems is properly monitored and controlled in order to minimize potential damage to the business and its reputation, by a security breach,” wrote Andrew Kellett, Principal Analyst, Security, in the Ovum report. “There is an increasing need for technology to manage privileged access for humans such as system administrators, but also for machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, the Internet of Things (IoT) and inter-processes within data centers. Hitachi ID’s product addresses all these use cases.”

Hitachi ID’s Privileged Access Manager (PAM) product was cited in the report as being available since 2005. Ovum also states that PAM’s key unique strength is its unlimited scalability when compared to other similar products.

“We are pleased to be recognized by Ovum for our highly scalable, functionally rich and easily managed privileged access management solution,” says Gideon Shoham, Hitachi ID Systems CEO. “Our PAM solution effectively addresses the risks associated with the cloud-based and mobile security as well as internal enterprise security needs.”

To access a full copy of Ovum’s Decision Matrix, register here.

About Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.

Hitachi ID Systems delivers access governance and identity administration solutions to organizations globally. Hitachi ID solutions are used by Fortune 500 companies to secure access to systems in the enterprise and in the cloud.

To learn more about Hitachi ID Systems, visit our website, e-mail, call 1.403.233.0740 or follow @Hitachi_ID on Twitter.

About Ovum
Ovum is a leading global technology research and advisory firm. Through its 180 analysts worldwide it offers expert analysis and strategic insight across the IT, telecoms, and media industries. Founded in 1985, Ovum has one of the most experienced analyst teams in the industry and is a respected source of guidance for technology business leaders, CIOs, vendors, service providers, and regulators looking for comprehensive, accurate, and insightful market data, research, and consulting. With 23 offices across six continents, Ovum offers a truly global perspective on technology and media markets and provides thousands of clients with insight including workflow tools, forecasts, surveys, market assessments, technology audits, and opinion. In 2012, Ovum was jointly named Global Analyst Firm of the Year by the IIAR.

Ovum is a division of Informa plc, one of the leading business and academic publishing and event organisers globally, headquartered in London. Informa is quoted on the London Stock Exchange.