Helvetica Swiss Opportunity: Successful acquisition of four special properties

Zurich, 21 January 2020 - The Fund Management Company Helvetica Property successfully invested the funds raised in the initial issue of Helvetica Swiss Opportunity (HSO Fund), which was carried out in November 2019. The HSO Fund acquired four special properties in December 2019 with a market value of about CHF 64.75 million.

In December 2019, the HSO Fund acquired four special properties with a rental space of over 25,000 m2 and a market value of about CHF 64.75 million. Three of the properties are investment properties. The fourth property is a new building project, which is developed, built and sold by Methabau, Amriswil, and is expected to be ready for use at the beginning of August 2020. The four special properties will generate in future rental income of around CHF 4.4 million per annum, resulting in a gross yield of about 6.8% based on market value.

Wädenswil, Steinacherstrasse 101

The property was formerly used as an office property and is currently being converted for school use. As of spring 2020, the Canton of Zurich will be the largest tenant of the property with 86%, followed by three other smaller tenants with around 5% each. The total rentable space amounts to approximately 4,360 m2. Rental income will be around CHF 1.1 million in 2020 and around CHF 1.4 million as of 2021 (in 2020 the Canton of Zurich will pay rent as of mid-March). The long-term rental contract with the Canton of Zurich runs until 2030.

Rümlang, Hofwisenstrasse 48

The commercial property is located in an industrial zone outside the town centre of Rümlang and has a rentable space of about 5,900 m2. The property is fully let to three tenants (Zamba Fruchtsäfte AG, Cota Autotransport, Osterwalder). The rental income amounts to approximately CHF 0.7 million per year.

«Lipo Park» Schaffhausen, Industriestrasse 2b

The commercial property on Industriestrasse 2b in Schaffhausen was acquired in condominium ownership (the football stadium itself was not acquired), with a condominium ownership value ratio of 71.5%. The property has rentable space of approximately 9,200 m2 and is fully let. The largest tenant is LIPO Einrichtungsmärkte AG with 48%, followed by Clever Sports AG with 29% and seven other rental parties with together 23%. The annual rental income amounts to approximately CHF 1.6 million. The commercial property was sold by Methabau, which also developed and constructed the building.

New construction project logistics hall «NextPharma», Schaffhausen, Solenbergstrasse

The HSO Fund has acquired a property under construction on Solenbergstrasse in Schaffhausen, which will be handed over to the HSO Fund by Methabau in August 2020, ready for immediate occupation. The entire project development is ensured by Methabau. The property with a rental space of around 5,900 m2 is already fully let to NextPharma Logistics GmbH, which will use the building as a pharmaceutical distribution warehouse. The annual rental income amounts to approximately CHF 0.7 million and the rental contract runs until 2035.

Wädenswil Steinacherstrasse 101

Rümlang Hofwisenstrasse 48

Schaffhausen Industriestrasse 2b

Schaffhausen Solenbergstrasse


Michael Müller

Frederic Königsegg

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Investment Officer

Phone +41 43 544 70 80

+41 43 544 70 80

E-mail mm@HelveticaProperty.com


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