FRANKFURT, Germany and LONDON, Jan. 17, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Manager Selection & Monitoring team of Helaba Invest has adopted eVestment, a global leader in institutional data and analytics, in anticipation of increased demand for manager selection and monitoring services from Helaba’s German institutional clients.

The move signals an increasing use of big data in the German investment consulting industry, with Helaba Invest gaining access to eVestment’s global database of 80,000 institutional investment vehicles. eVestment data is relied on by six of the largest German-based investment consulting firms, several pension funds and family offices.

“We believe utilising deep global investment data will enable us to offer more efficient services to clients, conduct more mandates and make our proprietary analysis stronger,” said Jan Wolfner, with the Manager Selection & Monitoring group at Helaba Invest.

With access to eVestment’s global database, Helaba Invest will be able to research long-only and absolute-return managers globally, including the Americas, Europe, Japan and APAC. Helaba Invest will also use eVestment’s Holdings-Based Analysis to understand asset managers’ allocation discipline and the uniqueness of their investment decisions, along with their return drivers.

David Keogh, head of eVestment in EMEA, said: “As demand for pension solutions grows in Germany, we see investors increasingly seeking international exposures to diversify portfolios, and it is part of our mission to support global manager selection and monitoring in Germany.”

Terms of the agreement were not disclosed. For more information about eVestment data, solutions and services, please visit

For more information about Helaba Invest, please click here.

About eVestment

eVestment, a Nasdaq company, provides cloud-based solutions that help asset managers understand the global movement of institutional assets and maintain a presence before investors and investment consultants. eVestment solutions also help institutional investors and consultants select and monitor investment managers for their unique needs.

About Helaba Invest

Helaba Invest is one of Germany's leading asset management companies in institutional asset management. Institutional investors have been relying on Helaba Invest’s experience for more than 25 years. The business strategy of Helaba Invest is based on three business units: Asset Management for Securities, Real Estate & Alternative Investments as well as Manager Selection & Monitoring and its services as administrator within the concept of a Master-KVG.

Press Contact
Mark Scott
678 238 0761 (ph)
404 450 8265 (cell)

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