HYDRO HOTEL, EASTBOURNE, PLC                          

                     PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE FINAL RESULTS                 
                          FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2015                       


    The profit for the financial year after taxation was GBP103,617 (2014
    GBP94,959). Turnover from the Hydro Hotel operation increased during the year
    by 2.0% (2014 increase of 0.3%). Earnings per share were 17.27p compared to
    15.83p for the previous year.

    The Company generated cash from operating activities of GBP289,109 (2014
    GBP343,850) and invested GBP119,618 in new fixed assets (2014 GBP66,076).
    During the year the Company paid ordinary dividends of GBP108,000 (2014
    GBP108,000). At the year end the Company had net current assets of GBP818,033
    (2014 GBP750,868).


    Results for year ended 31 October 2015

    I am pleased to say that in the second half of the year we noted a firmer trend
    to business, reversing the reduction in sales of 2.7% in the first half of the
    year caused by the uncertainty in the run up to the general election. Sales for
    the year ended 31 October 2015 totalled GBP3,129,504, an increase of 2.0% on
    the GBP3,069,548 sales for the previous year (2014 increase 0.3%). Operating
    profit for the year increased to GBP120,006 (2014 GBP117,330). After interest
    receivable and the corporation tax charge, the post-tax profits for the year
    were GBP103,617 (2014 GBP94,959). While this is not quite sufficient to cover a
    maintained dividend again this year, the company has strong reserves and assets
    and so we have declared dividends totalling 18 pence per share absorbing
    GBP108,000, the same as the previous year.

    Trading conditions continue to be very competitive, and we have implemented the
    increase in the national minimum wage of 3% as from 1 October 2015, and on 1
    April 2016 the national living wage increase of 7.5% will come in to force for
    employees from age 25. Auto-enrolment pension contributions will be applied on
    top, and there are knock on effects on staff pay differentials to take into
    account. Management are reviewing our staffing structure and practices to
    ensure this significant increase in costs is manageable, and we will also be
    reviewing our pricing.

    Developments since 31 October 2015

    In midsummer 2015 we held a special celebratory weekend event to mark the 120th
    anniversary of the company and this proved successful. As you will have seen
    from the flyer sent out with your dividend in January, we are planning another
    midsummer package this year from 1st to 3rd July.

    The boot room has been completed, and we will be taking an active role in the
    Sussex Walking festival in the week beginning 24 September to promote this

    We have installed a pop up cinema with a sophisticated audio-visual system in
    the Long Lounge to provide more in house entertainment for guests, and we can
    show feature films as well as theatre and opera productions.

    In view of the change of general manager taking place this year, we have
    deferred the start of the property renovation programme planned with Gould &
    Company until the next financial year so that the new general manager can
    review the proposals and integrate any business development ideas which he or
    she may wish to pursue.

    Our Staff

    As announced last November, Ian Turnbull, our Executive Director and General
    Manager of the hotel, has given notice to leave the company at the end of
    February. We are conducting a recruitment process to appoint a successor and I
    will update shareholders when the new person is in post. I thank Ian for his
    dedicated service to the company and wish him well in his new career.

    Mary Peck retires as a director by rotation at the AGM on 29 March 2016, and
    after more than 20 years on the Board she has decided not to seek
    re-appointment. I thank Mary for her contributions to the Board's policy
    discussions over the years, and wish her the best of health and happiness for
    her retirement and look forward to continuing to see her here at the Hydro as a
    supportive shareholder and customer.

    I wish to record our thanks to our management team and all our staff for their
    dedication to delivering Hydro's renowned quality of service which our
    customers value so much.

                                             Graeme C King, MA, CA                   
    26 January 2016                          Chairman of the Board                   


    PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2015                      
                                                                 2015           2014
                                                                  GBP            GBP
         Continuing operations                              3,129,504      3,069,548
         Cost of sales                                    (2,820,812)    (2,763,894)
    GROSS PROFIT                                              308,692        305,654
         Administrative expenses                            (188,686)      (188,324)
    OPERATING PROFIT                                          120,006        117,330
    BANK INTEREST RECEIVABLE                                   13,570          6,323
    PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION             133,576        123,653
    TAXATION ON PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                (29,959)       (28,694)
    PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                                   GBP 103,617     GBP 94,959
    Earnings per share - continuing operations                 17.27p         15.83p

    Earnings per share have been calculated using 600,000 shares, being the
    weighted average number of shares for both years. The company has no potential
    ordinary shares, therefore basic and diluted earnings per share is the same

    BALANCE SHEET AT 31 OCTOBER 2015                                                  
                                                                   2015           2014
                                                                    GBP            GBP
    FIXED ASSETS                                                                      
    Tangible Assets                                                                   
         Freehold land and buildings                          1,844,895      1,855,135
         Furniture and equipment                                712,569        774,189
                                                              2,557,464      2,629,324
    CURRENT ASSETS                                                                    
         Stocks                                                  29,189         34,323
         Debtors                                                128,963        101,994
         Cash at bank and in hand                             1,150,831      1,115,351
                                                              1,308,983      1,251,668
         Amounts falling due within one year                  (490,950)      (500,800)
    NET CURRENT ASSETS                                          818,033        750,868


    TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                     3,375,497      3,380,192
    PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES                      (79,312)       (79,624)
    TOTAL ASSETS LESS LIABILITIES                         GBP 3,296,185  GBP 3,300,568
    CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                                              
         Ordinary Shares - Authorised and Issued:                                     
         600,000 Shares of GPB1.00 each fully paid              600,000        600,000
         Revaluation Reserve                                    428,325        432,604
         Profit and Loss Account                              2,267,860      2,267,964
    EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                            GBP 3,296,185  GBP 3,300,568


    The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts
    as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. This has, however, been
    extracted from the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2015. These
    accounts have not to date been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The
    Company's auditor, Mazars LLP, has issued an unqualified audit report which
    does not contain a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006 in
    respect of these accounts.

    DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT                                                          

    An interim dividend of 6.0 pence per share (2015 6.0 pence) was paid on 14
    January 2016 to shareholders on the register on 18 December 2015.

    The Board have declared a second interim dividend for the year ended 31 October
    2015 of 12.0 pence per share (year ended 31 October 2014 12.0 pence) for
    payment on 5 May 2016 to shareholders on the register on 22 April 2016. The
    directors do not propose the payment of a final dividend.

    The Directors of Hydro Hotel, Eastbourne, plc accept responsibility for this
    announcement, which has been approved for the purposes of the Financial
    Services and Markets Act 2000 by Mazars Corporate Finance Limited, Tower Bridge
    House, St Katharine's Way, London, E1W 1DD,  who are authorized by the
    Financial Conduct Authority for investment business.

    For further information please contact:

    Hydro Hotel, Eastbourne, plc
    Crispin Freeman          Telephone: (+44)(0) 1323 411019

    Mazars Corporate Finance Limited
    Stephen Skeels           Telephone: (+44)(0) 207 063 4000