Rising Phoenix Holdings Corporation (RPHC), comprising the country’s leading disaster preparedness and recovery firms, has been honored by the Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce as the 2019 Business of the Year in the Business with Over 50 Employees category. The company, founded in Utica in 1985 with one employee, now employs more than 200 full-time staff, 45 of which are located in the Utica office.

“Recognition as the Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce’s 2019 Business of the Year puts a much-appreciated exclamation point on a year in which Rising Phoenix Holdings Corporation has grown significantly, which has allowed us to expand our strong economic and philanthropic commitment to Utica,” said Executive Chairman Ron Cuccaro. “Since our founding 34 years ago, our priority has always been helping our neighbors in this region benefit from our success, and that focus will continue.”

The Chamber of Commerce annually evaluates nominees for Business of the Year on several criteria, including: staying power; response to challenges; product(s)/service(s) innovation; and growth within their industry. Other factors include community involvement, public service and commitment to the Mohawk Valley Region.

RPHC has made outstanding contributions to the Utica community in all of these areas. The firm’s growth has led to the third expansion of its Utica office space to support increases in local employees. RPHC supports numerous charitable community organizations and recently established the Rising Phoenix Fund at the Community Foundation of Herkimer & Oneida Counties to organize all of its philanthropic efforts, including support for recovery from the recent Mohawk Valley Floods.

Rising Phoenix Holdings Corporation is the parent company of the nation’s leading disaster preparedness and recovery firms Adjusters International and Tidal Basin. The RPHC family of companies provides public insurance adjusting, preparedness and disaster recovery consulting services to private sector, government and not-for-profit clients. RPHC’s range of services is designed from a position of advocacy to help make clients as resilient as possible in preparing for and recovering from disasters. For more information, visit rphc.com, tidalbasingroup.com and adjustersinternational.com.