17 Jan 2014


  • On a year-on-year (y-o-y) basis, NODX rose by 6.0 per cent in December 2013, compared to the 8.9 per cent decrease in the previous month, due to an increase in non-electronic NODX which outweighed the decline in electronic NODX.
  • On a y-o-y basis, NODX to all of the top 10 NODX markets, except the EU 27, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Hong Kong, expanded in December 2013. The top three contributors to the NODX rise in December 2013 were China, the US and Taiwan.
  • On a y-o-y basis, NORX rose by 14.2 per cent in December 2013, after the 11.2 per cent increase in the previous month, due to both electronic and non-electronic NORX.

Read the full report.

Monthly Trade Statistics

IE Singapore is the official source of Singapore's trade statistics. We release monthly trade statistics with the latest analysis of Singapore's non-oil domestic exports (NODX) and non-oil re-exports (NORX) on a month-on-month and year-on-year basis.

Latest reports are released on the 17th of every month, or on the nearest working day if the 17th is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.

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