The Youth Development Fund (YDF) has enabled many to embark in productive and profitable business ventures. One of the beneficiaries of the fund, Ms Bwaambo Limbo, who is venturing in sorghum milling and packaging it in her home village of Satau, could attest to this. Speaking in an interview, the producer of Kulyera Kutlo, Ms Limbo said since her funding in 2011, there was a delay in starting her business because the machinery she had ordered took a while to arrive, but production started in May 2013. She said the business was doing well in Satau, adding that her customers were mainly tuckshops and individual families. The budding entrepreneur used her parents' vehicle to transport her product in and around Kasane and to collect her sorghum in Pandamatenga.

The Youth Development Fund (YDF) has enabled many to embark in productive and profitable business ventures.

One of the beneficiaries of the fund, Ms Bwaambo Limbo, who is venturing in sorghum milling and packaging it in her home village of Satau, could attest to this.

Speaking in an interview, the producer of Kulyera Kutlo, Ms Limbo said since her funding in 2011, there was a delay in starting her business because the machinery she had ordered took a while to arrive, but production started in May 2013.

She said the business was doing well in Satau, adding that her customers were mainly tuckshops and individual families. The budding entrepreneur used her parents' vehicle to transport her product in and around Kasane and to collect her sorghum in Pandamatenga.

Ms Limbo is motivated by the will to be able to sustain herself financially and to help village elders who have harvested more sorghum and maize that they cannot mill.

She encouraged the youth to take government programmes seriously to uplift themselves and help create employment and decrease the high levels of unemployment in Kasane. BOPA

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Saved on Friday, January 24, 2014 at 9:12 AM

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