The "Global PC System Industry Outlook for 2018" report has been added to's offering.

Due to commercial PC replacement demand and steady economic growth, worldwide PC system market decline slowed down in 2017, thereby benefiting the Taiwanese PC system industry. However, the worldwide PC system industry will remain stagnant with a high level of concentration.

This report provides global PC development overview, including shipment performance of the desktop PC, notebook PC, and tablet industry, as well as the latest development of major players in respective industries; examines the latest development of PC systems from the perspective of Microsoft and Amazon to highlight the future outlook for the industry and market; look into nascent trends of the industry in the areas of Chromebook, SSD, gaming PC, commercial VR, AI, and digital economy to pinpoint where the future opportunities lie.

This Report Covers:

  • Development of the global PC market, touching on the megatrends, volume forecast of tablet, notebook PC, and desktop PC for the period 2015-2020, and their shipment share by major brand for the period 2015-2018.
  • Development of the Taiwanese smartphone market and includes the concentration levels in the notebook PC, desktop PC, and tablet industry by tier.
  • Key trends in the PC system industry, touching on the latest development of Chromebook, gaming PC, commercial VR market, SSD/HDD, AI, and digital economy, and more.
  • The latest development of the ICT industry from the perspective of Microsoft and Amazon, touching on their product developments and changes in the product portfolio.

Key Topics:

Development of the Worldwide PC System Market

Highlighted Trends in the PC System Industry

Future Development of Leading ICT Vendors

  • Microsoft
  • Amazon

Companies Mentioned

  • Acer
  • Amazon
  • Apple
  • ASUS
  • Bandai
  • Beats
  • Carthona
  • Compal
  • Dell
  • Fujitsu
  • Genee
  • Hexadite
  • HP
  • HTC
  • Huawei
  • Intel
  • Inventec
  • Lenovo
  • Maluuba
  • Microsoft
  • MSI
  • Namco
  • Oculus
  • Pegatron
  • Qualcomm
  • Quanta
  • Razer
  • Shanda Games
  • Starbreeze
  • SwiftKey
  • VAIO
  • Wistron
  • Xiaom

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