Georgia Bio, the state’s public policy and business solutions organization representing Georgia’s life sciences sector, today announced an expansion to its team hiring Joseph Santoro as the full-time Vice President of Business Development and External Affairs. This newly created role will provide expanded leadership in developing and implementing sound public policy strategies for Georgia Bio members and strengthen the voice of life sciences in the state.

“My number one priority is ensuring Georgia’s elected leaders and policy makers are aware of, and understand, the value and potential the life sciences ecosystem and industry bring to the state,” Mr. Santoro said.

According to the national Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), the bioscience industry employs more than 32,000 Georgians and received $537 million in National Institutes of Health (NIH) Awards in 2017.

As Georgia’s biotechnology, medical device, agbio, and the digital health communities continue to grow, the addition of Mr. Santoro bolsters the organization’s government relations activities. Those activities seek to drive solution-oriented public policies and advocacy that support life sciences research, investment and innovation in the state. In addition to his policy duties, Mr. Santoro is responsible for recruiting new members from life science organizations and research institutions in Georgia, as well as the service providers that support the industry.

Mr. Santoro previously served as director of external affairs for the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG). He comes to Georgia Bio with previous experience working with economic development organizations including the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and Invest Atlanta. He is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology with a degree in Public Policy.

“This new role, with ongoing support from our lobbyist Cornerstone Government Affairs, will deepen our relationship with policymakers,” said Maria Thacker Goethe, Georgia Bio’s acting president and CEO. “Joseph will enhance awareness at the state level for the contributions our life sciences sector and member companies make to Georgia’s economy and improvements in patient care. I am delighted to welcome him to Georgia Bio.”

About Georgia Bio

Georgia Bio ( is the state’s private, non-profit life sciences association. Members include pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies, medical centers, universities and research institutes, government groups and other business organizations involved in the development of life sciences related products and services.