Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration

STOP 3601

1400 Independence Ave., SW Washington, D.C. 20250-3601


Release No.: 01-14 Contact: Catherine M. Grasso, (202) 720-7201

GIPSA Alleges C.H. Cattle Company, LLC and Leonard Craig Hammond Violated the Packers and Stockyards Act

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8, 2014 - The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) has found evidence that C.H. Cattle Company, LLC (C.H. Cattle) and Leonard Craig Hammond (Hammond), Glade Spring, Va., purchased, in commerce, approximately 364 head of livestock and failed to make full payment promptly to 5 livestock sellers in that they paid the balance due
between 1 and 5 days late for livestock.
GIPSA filed a complaint against C.H. Cattle and Hammond on December 11,
2013. The complaint can be found on the GIPSA website: If the allegations are admitted, or proven in an oral hearing, C.H. Cattle and Hammond may be ordered to cease and desist from violating the Packers and Stockyards (P&S) Act, suspended, and/or assessed a civil penalty.
C.H. Cattle was engaged in the business of a dealer buying and selling livestock in commerce for its own account and is registered with the Secretary of Agriculture.
Hammond is president, manager, and 100% shareholder of C.H. Cattle; responsible for the direction, management, and control of C.H. Cattle; operates C.H. Cattle as his alter ego; and is a dealer within the meaning of, and subject to the provisions of, the P&S Act.
The P&S Act is a fair trade practice and payment protection law that promotes fair and competitive marketing environments for the livestock, meat, and poultry industries.

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