
Amendment 2

Esther de Lange

on behalf of the PPE Group

Joint motion for a resolution PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE European Green Deal

Joint motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 a (new)

Joint motion for a resolution


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B9-0045/2020 } RC1/Am. 2


3a. Stresses that European citizens and companies, notably SMEs, should see the benefits and added value of the Green Deal, and warns that if the Green Deal merely leads to increased imports of green goods and services from third countries it will not succeed; underlines, therefore, that the Green Deal must go hand in hand with coherent industrial, state aid and procurement policies in order to boost Europe's competitiveness and global leadership;

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United in diversity



Amendment 3

Esther de Lange

on behalf of the PPE Group

Joint motion for a resolution PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE European Green Deal

Joint motion for a resolution

Paragraph 8

Joint motion for a resolution

8. Proposes that all actions under the Green Deal should have a science-based approach and be based on holistic impact assessments;


B9-0040/2020 }

B9-0042/2020 }

B9-0043/2020 }

B9-0045/2020 } RC1/Am. 3


8. Proposes that all actions under the Green Deal should have a science-based approach and be based on holistic impact assessments; stresses that the ambitions of the Green Deal need to be based on a comprehensive impact assessment by an independent regulatory scrutiny board; stresses that such an assessment must take a sector-by-sector, region-by-regionapproach; considers, moreover, that for the purposes of this assessment, the Commission should also be obliged to deliver mandatory return-on-investmentassessments and should take into consideration the potential impact on energy prices for the different regions and sectors when proposing new legislation or revising the existing legal framework within the policy fields of industry, energy and research;

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PE643.469v01-00 } RC1


United in diversity



Amendment 4

Esther de Lange

on behalf of the PPE Group

Joint motion for a resolution PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE European Green Deal

Joint motion for a resolution

Paragraph 11

Joint motion for a resolution

11. Calls for an increase of the EU's domestic GHG emissions reduction target for 2030 to 55 % compared to 1990 levels; urges the Commission to bring forward a proposal to this end as soon as possible in order to allow the EU to adopt this target as its updated nationally determined contribution (NDC) well in advance of COP26; calls, furthermore, for this target to be subsequently integrated into the European Climate Law;


B9-0040/2020 }

B9-0042/2020 }

B9-0043/2020 }

B9-0045/2020 } RC1/Am. 4


  1. Supports an EU target of at least a
  1. % GHG emissions reduction by 2030 compared to 1990, as proposed by the
    President of the Commission; notes that this target will be based on a solid impact assessment with the option of moving to a higher target if a number of conditions are fulfilled, including within the framework of international negotiations and following an evaluation of their economic consequences, and bearing in mind the need to maintain economic competitiveness and include all people; acknowledges that the 50 % target is already very ambitious as, even assuming a strict implementation of existing law and the full cooperation of the UK in EU climate policy, we will only be able to achieve 45 %;

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PE643.469v01-00 } RC1


United in diversity



Amendment 5

Esther de Lange

on behalf of the PPE Group

Joint motion for a resolution PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE European Green Deal

Joint motion for a resolution

Paragraph 27

Joint motion for a resolution

27. Supports in general the idea of market-based measures as one of the tools to achieve climate objectives; expresses reservations, however, about the potential inclusion of building emissions in the EU ETS as it could take the responsibility away from public action and lead to higher energy bills for tenants and homeowners; considers that any such measure requires further analysis;


B9-0040/2020 }

B9-0042/2020 }

B9-0043/2020 }

B9-0045/2020 } RC1/Am. 5


27. Supports in general the idea of market-based measures in the building sector, based on a proper impact assessment; considers it of paramount importance to take proper account of the competitive impact of all measures on European enterprises and to counteract the relocation of activities to other countries in response to differing environmental standards;

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PE643.469v01-00 } RC1


United in diversity



Amendment 6

Esther de Lange

on behalf of the PPE Group

Joint motion for a resolution PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE European Green Deal

Joint motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 a (new)

Joint motion for a resolution


B9-0040/2020 }

B9-0042/2020 }

B9-0043/2020 }

B9-0045/2020 } RC1/Am. 6


28a. Believes that the Commission's approach to the Green Deal must be brought into line with a coherent industrial policy in order to boost Europe's competitiveness and global leadership; considers that the European Union needs a process of reindustrialisation, modernisation of its industrial base, strengthening of the internal market and the creation of a competitive framework for industry, including an effective strategy for SMEs, in order to support the measures set out in the Green Deal;

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PE643.464v01-00 }

PE643.466v01-00 }

PE643.467v01-00 }

PE643.469v01-00 } RC1


United in diversity



Amendment 7

Esther de Lange

on behalf of the PPE Group

Joint motion for a resolution

PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE

European Green Deal

Joint motion for a resolution

Paragraph 56

Joint motion for a resolution

56. Reiterates that reducing pesticide dependency is one of the priority targets for sustainable agriculture; welcomes in this regard the Commission's commitment to tackle the pressure from pesticides on environment and health, and to significantly reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides, as well as the use of fertilisers and antibiotics, including through legislative measures; stresses that the Farm to Fork strategy should include binding reduction targets for hazardous pesticides; calls for an EU strategy for facilitating market access for scientifically substantiated sustainable alternatives; calls on the Commission to act on the calls made in Parliament's resolution of 16 January 2019 on the Union's authorisation procedure for pesticides1;


Texts adopted, P8_TA(2019)0023.


B9-0040/2020 }

B9-0042/2020 }

B9-0043/2020 }

B9-0045/2020 } RC1/Am. 7


56. Reiterates that reducing pesticide dependency is one of the priority targets for sustainable agriculture; welcomes in this regard the Commission's commitment to tackle the pressure from pesticides on environment and health, and to significantly reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides, as well as the use of fertilisers and antibiotics, including through legislative measures; stresses that the Farm to Fork strategy should include binding reduction targets for hazardous pesticides following an impact assessment; calls for an EU strategy for facilitating market access for scientifically substantiated sustainable alternatives; calls on the Commission to act on the calls made in Parliament's resolution of 16 January 2019 on the Union's authorisation procedure for pesticides1;


Texts adopted, P8_TA(2019)0023.

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PE643.469v01-00 } RC1


United in diversity



Amendment 8

Esther de Lange

on behalf of the PPE Group

Joint motion for a resolution

PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE

European Green Deal

Joint motion for a resolution

Paragraph 43

Joint motion for a resolution

43. Reiterates that the Single European Sky (SES) is capable of reducing aviation emissions without major costs, but will not in itself bring about significant reductions in aviation emissions in line with the EU's long term goal; calls for a clear regulatory roadmap for the decarbonisation of aviation, based on technological solutions, infrastructure, requirements for sustainable alternative fuels and efficient operations, in combination with incentives for a modal shift;


B9-0040/2020 }

B9-0042/2020 }

B9-0043/2020 }

B9-0045/2020 } RC1/Am. 8


43. Reiterates that the Single European Sky (SES) is capable of reducing aviation emissions without major costs, and thus calls for its urgent adoption; calls for a clear regulatory roadmap for the decarbonisation of aviation, based on technological solutions, infrastructure, requirements for sustainable alternative fuels and efficient operations, in combination with incentives for a modal shift;

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PE643.467v01-00 }

PE643.469v01-00 } RC1


United in diversity



Amendment 9

Esther de Lange

on behalf of the PPE Group

Joint motion for a resolution PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE European Green Deal

Joint motion for a resolution

Paragraph 51

Joint motion for a resolution

51. Takes note of the Commission's plans to consider extending European emissions trading to emissions from road transport; rejects a direct inclusion in the EU ETS scheme;


B9-0040/2020 }

B9-0042/2020 }

B9-0043/2020 }

B9-0045/2020 } RC1/Am. 9


51. Supports the idea of market-based measures in the transport sector, based on a proper impact assessment; considers it of paramount importance to take proper account of the competitive impact of all measures on European enterprises, to maintain the affordability of mobility and to counteract the relocation of activities to other countries in response to differing environmental standards;

Or. en

PE643.464v01-00 }

PE643.466v01-00 }

PE643.467v01-00 }

PE643.469v01-00 } RC1


United in diversity



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European Parliament published this content on 14 January 2020 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 14 January 2020 17:02:10 UTC