Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich has held a briefing on Russia's participation in the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Arkady Dvorkovich stressed that this year Russia's attendance at the Davos forum will be the biggest ever. He said that the main reason for this is that Russia is president of the G20 this year, and the G20 and G8 presidents are traditionally welcomed as guests of honor at the Davos Forum.

A special meeting will also be held on the G20 on the second day of the forum. "The Prime Minister will provide details of Russia's G20 priorities, including with regard to his experience of working in that format," Dvorkovich said.

Arkady Dvorkovich added that "the meeting will be also attended by Russia's current G20 Sherpa, Ksenia Yudaeva, who will give a detailed account of our stance and our priorities."

Here you can find the full text of the briefing

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