Student Financial Aid Services, Inc. today kicks off its philanthropic Access for All® program for 2015 by offering 10,000 first-year college students from low-income families free preparation of the federal student aid application (FAFSA) and a personalized College Cost & Planning Report®. Each custom report compares a student’s 10 college choices – including financial aid and cost estimates – to help families evaluate which schools best fit the student’s career goals and finances.

First-year college students from low-income households can see if they qualify for free Access for All services by starting their FAFSA preparation through the company’s online service. The student can speak to a professional Student Aid Advisor for guidance and support at any time during regular business hours. Each FAFSA is personally reviewed by an Advisor to detect potential errors and omissions that may affect successful processing. If issues arise, consultation and corrections can be addressed by telephone. The complimentary Access for All services will be offered to eligible college students on a first-come, first-served basis.

“We are about empowering college students and their families with professional assistance and personalized information so they can make wise college choices and be eligible for the most financial aid possible,” said Christina Kline, Vice President of Marketing and Communications for Student Financial Aid Services, Inc. “We encourage first-year students to act quickly to take advantage of this helpful program.”

Professional FAFSA Assistance Encourages Enrollment

Individuals who get professional help with applying for financial aid are 30% more likely to enroll in college, according to the 2009 H&R Block FAFSA Experiment. In addition, numerous academic research studies since 1988 have consistently found that receiving financial aid helps prevent undergraduate students of all incomes from dropping out of community and four-year colleges.

A federal regulation offers students two options for preparing a FAFSA – either complete it for free on the U.S. Department of Education’s website or get professional assistance from a FAFSA preparer who, much like an income tax preparer, charges a fee for the service.

College Cost & Planning Report Estimates Financial Aid

Each participant in this free program also will receive a personal College Cost & Planning Report. The custom guide helps a student make informed choices by displaying a side-by-side comparison of important factors of as many as 10 colleges including:

  • sticker price (published cost of attendance);
  • financial aid eligibility, with free grant details;
  • estimated out-of-pocket expenses;
  • options for paying; and
  • expected post-graduation, monthly loan repayments for students and parents.

Student Financial Aid Services uses a first-year student’s specific college choices, financial circumstances, college entrance exam test scores and grade point average to estimate the amount of financial aid he or she can expect to receive.

During its first five years, the Access for All program helped 56,000 low-income college students.

About Student Financial Aid Services, Inc.

Student Financial Aid Services, Inc. – - assists students and their families in securing the most financial aid possible to achieve their college dreams. Established in 1991, SFAS is the nation’s oldest, fee-based provider of preparation and assistance services related to the federal student aid application (FAFSA). Our knowledgeable Student Aid Advisors support and assist financial aid applicants as authorized by the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (2008). We offer our services online at and by telephone toll-free at 1-866-514-8938. More than 10,000 client comments are posted at
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