The strike, which is a backlash against the government's plans to make people work longer before retirement, also disrupted public transport and schools.

Unions want to keep up pressure on the government following protests earlier this month. The CGT, France's second-largest union, has called for a new round of strikes from Feb. 6 to 8 at state-owned electricity utility EDF, adding to a previous call for industrial action on those dates for the refining sector.

On Tuesday, French power production dropped by about 5%, or 3.3 gigawatts (GW), as supply was reduced at nuclear reactors and hydro- and thermal plants, data from EDF, which also controls nuclear facilities, showed.

Nuclear capacity was reduced by a total of 1.2 GW at three reactors and 1.9 GW of thermal capacity at four plants was taken offline, while hydropower was reduced by 170 megawatts (MW).

EDF said that 40.3% of its total workforce had joined the strike at midday.

France was set to be a net importer of electricity from neighbours throughout the day, according to data from grid operator RTE.

Power was also cut for roadside speed cameras in the Lot et Garrone department in the south west on Monday night, the CGT union said.

On the refining side, petroleum product deliveries from TotalEnergies' sites were blocked, the company said. It stressed there was no shortage of fuel at petrol stations.

About 55% of all shifts were on strike at TotalEnergies' depot and refining sites this morning against 65% on Jan. 19, the prior nationwide strike, the company said. A CGT spokesperson put the number of workers offline at 75% to 100%.

There were no blockages at sites run by Esso, the French subsidiary of ExxonMobil, but workers were going to demonstrations throughout the day, a CGT representative said.

Opinion polls show most French people oppose the reform, which would impose a further two working years before retirement at 64, but President Emmanuel Macron and his government intend to stand their ground. The reform is "vital" to ensure the pension system keeps working, Macron said on Monday.

(Reporting by Forrest Crellin, Benjamin Mallet, America Hernandez; Editing by Ingrid Melander and Sharon Singleton)

By Forrest Crellin and Benjamin Mallet