Foresters Asset Management Inc ("FAM") is pleased to announce that it has become a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investing (UNPRI).

The UNPRI is recognized as the leading global network for investors who have publicly committed to integrating environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) considerations into their investment practices and ownership policies. In becoming a signatory, FAM joins some of the world's largest investment managers, representing more than US$82 trillion in assets under administration.

“Responsible investing simply makes sense. It is aligned with the values of our investment team, the objectives of our stakeholders, and more than 140 years of community-focus, which is the heart of the “Foresters Purpose”. Foresters Asset Management is committed to being a leader in this field. Not only is it the right thing to do, but in addition, the evidence suggests that integrating responsible investment decisions can increase long-term risk adjusted returns in properly diversified portfolios. It can increase quality and help to reduce unintended consequences by identifying early warning signs within companies that could lead to a significant loss in shareholder and unitholder wealth.” said Suzann Pennington, Chief Investment Officer, Foresters Asset Management Inc.

About Foresters Asset Management
Foresters Asset Management Inc. (FAM) oversees $10 billion in retail, institutional, and third party assets. FAM is backed by the strength of Foresters Financial™, an international financial services provider with total funds under management of $45.1 billion, overseen by more than 30 investment professionals. (all figures in Canadian dollars as of December 31, 2017)

Our focus is to provide exceptional total return, income and capital preservation solutions for our clients. We add value through our proprietary, bottom-up research that applies a prudent, disciplined and repeatable investment process. The results are low volatility portfolios, designed to provide consistent risk-adjusted returns over the long term.

At FAM, we believe investing in companies that adhere to responsible Environmental, Social and Governance policies and behaviours can enhance the quality of our investment portfolios. This, together with depth of diversification, allows FAM to better manage risk and therefore supports greater sustainable risk-adjusted returns for our unitholders.
