FINCAD, a pioneer in providing pricing, modeling, and risk analytics, today announced its next-generation analytics – cloud-enabled and powered by Python. One command and a couple of lines of Python code unlocks the most powerful derivatives library in the industry, with a constantly expanding ecosystem of curated models, curves and instruments covering 100 currencies.

“Derivatives are often associated with complexity, time-consuming processing, and reserved only for individuals in physics, mathematics, or engineering,” said Mark D’Arcy, President and CEO, FINCAD. “Our next-generation analytics addresses this business challenge head-on. Financial professionals now have on their desktop the analytical capabilities, historically reserved for large sell-side industry leading firms as well as on demand access to horizontally scalable native cloud analytics. FINCAD’s high-level, Python-enabled API, enables traders, portfolio managers and risk managers alike to easily and transparently work within the vast Python ecosystem.”

Coupling Python’s native data handling with FINCAD’s analytics, one can compute values, sensitivities and cash flows of a derivative, such as a zero-coupon inflation swap, in just a few lines of code. The results can be conveniently returned as pandas data structures, making further analysis and aggregation simpler and straightforward. Intuitive natural syntax offers transparency eliminating black box concerns, making model validation easier. Additionally, FINCAD now provides access to horizontally scalable FINCAD cloud-hosted analytics.

To review the simplicity of FINCAD now with Python please view the video: Unlock Best-in-Class Analytics with Python.

“Python has become the de facto standard for data analysis, workflow scripting and rapid application development,” D’Arcy said. “Our best-in-class Python toolkit for derivatives and risk analytics puts FINCAD at the forefront and is a natural extension of our 30-year leadership in pricing and valuation of derivatives.”

For more information about FINCAD’s Python Analytics, view our webpage.


Backed by more than 30 years of experience, FINCAD is a pioneer in providing pricing, modeling and risk analytics to financial institutions such as asset management firms, banks, insurance companies, hedge funds as well as corporate treasury departments. From the most basic to the bespoke, FINCAD has the financial engineering expertise to address any derivative challenge. FINCAD empowers global organizations to optimize risk and return through simplified and direct control over the valuation and analytics of derivatives. With the most precise, transparent and scalable technologies for pricing derivatives and fixed-income products, FINCAD’s highly dedicated customer support team goes above and beyond to help customers achieve their goals. FINCAD is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. For more information, visit