EyeQue™, developers of affordable vision technologies, today announced general availability of the award-winning EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker™. The Company will activate an online ordering portal to accept direct purchases on January 5th. Thousands of EyeQue miniscopes, the hardware portion of the intelligent vision solution, have already been received by the Silicon Valley team who will begin fulfilling the 3,000+ pre-orders placed during the Company’s Kickstarter campaign, due to conclude on January 4th at 440 percent of goal. The EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker can also be purchased through the myEyeQue™ application, available now for free download from Apple’s App Store and Google Play.

“This month we take another step into the future of fitness and healthcare by making the Personal Vision Tracker available to the public through online ordering and by delivering our first shipment of products to our early adopters,” said John Serri, PhD, founder of EyeQue. “Advancements in optical, mobile, and cloud based technologies have allowed us to miniaturize what has traditionally been room-sized, costly optical test equipment. The ability for people to take these tests, track vision changes over time, compare with old prescriptions, share the results with doctors, and order online glasses with the results–-all from the comfort of their home and for about $30 (MSRP)–-has immediate and profound impact on the global population’s access to corrected vision.”

The EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker™ is the first in-home vision testing solution to combine an optical miniscope, a smartphone application, and secure cloud-based technology platform to form a low-cost, uniquely precise option for people to gather corrective vision measurements whenever and wherever they choose. The EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker is the CES 2017 Best of Innovation Honoree in the Fitness, Sports and Biotech category.

“The last few months have been a symphony of milestones–-from garnering industry recognition for our innovation and technology, to further refining the software and hardware components, to receiving units from our manufacturing facility well ahead of schedule, and finally bringing a Kickstarter campaign to a close well over 400 percent of goal,” continued Dr. Serri. “The market validation we’ve experienced is inspiring and we’re thrilled to officially debut this product at the iconic CES show amongst other tech-innovators and industry game-changers.”

Get hands-on with the EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker by visiting EyeQue at CES, January 5-8, in the Sands Convention Center, Level 2, booth #45838 – or online at eyeque.com.

About EyeQue

EyeQue™ is on a global mission to elevate eye care. The Company is dedicated to inspiring people to learn about and care for their eyes by putting affordable, accurate vision tests directly into their hands. The EyeQue optical miniscope and myEyeQue™ mobile application create an intelligent vision solution for anyone to use anywhere, at any time – convenient, low-cost, and fun. Results are instantly processed and stored securely in the cloud, creating a vision history that can be shared with doctors. Users can generate a set of EyeGlass Numbers™ that can be used to order corrective eye glasses. Founded by Tibor Laczay and Dr. John Serri, the Company innovates from its Silicon Valley headquarters.

An online press kit is available at http://bit.ly/EyeQueMediaKit

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