The 6 FI-PPP phase 2 projects launched their open calls for additional partners in Autumn 2013. All 6 open calls are now closed.

The calls raised a lot of interest from the community with a total of 406 proposals submitted.

This follows the strong interest at the Open Call Information Day, for the five phase 2 use case projects and for XIFI on 25-26 Sept 2013, in Brussels, Belgium.

The calls show that the community is very keen on the FI-PPP programme and on participating in the programme.

The projects are now in the process of evaluating the received proposals, selecting the best ones, and incorporating the winners in their consortia.


Deadline open call


Expected number of selected proposals


13 Nov 2013


± 10


20 Nov 2013


5 - 10


27 Nov 2013




27 Nov 2013




18 Dec 2013




8 Jan 2014




The aim of the open call was to fund specific tasks to be carried out in two call areas. In the first area, the objective was to undertake investigations of the proposers' own creative ideas for dissemination and promotion of energy related services and applications, based on FI-WARE functionality and the FINESCE trial topics, with the work being undertaken in close collaboration with one of the FINESCE trial sites and partners. Proposals in the second area aimed to undertake R & D work on some pre-defined activities.


The objective of this open call was to proactively prepare for Phase III of the FI-PPP programme by soliciting additional partners to undertake specific tasks for increasing the value of the FI-STAR platform. The objectives fall into three categories: a) Strengthen the technology basis of the FI-STAR platform by adding functionality that provides significant added value to the existing experimentation sites and use case scenarios of FI-STAR; b) To attract developers to deliver innovative applications or value added services, using the FI-STAR platform; and c)  To strengthen the reach to the stakeholders of the sector by additional dissemination mechanisms.


The aim of the Open Call was to reinforce the FITMAN offer of Specific Enablers by additional innovative open components which could be easily integrated in the current FITMAN Smart Digital Virtual Factory Architectures made of FI-WARE Generic Enablers and FITMAN Specific Enablers. For each objective of the call (SF DF VF), FITMAN Trials and IT partners have identified two key topics which needed to be both addressed by open call proposers as well as experimented in at least two of the ten FITMAN Trials.  In particular, Smart Factories Open Call included a dynamic Event Driven Architectures and user friendly human-machine-interaction and workplaces; Digital Factories Open call included common manufacturing metadata/ontologies along the whole Product Life Cycle Management and innovative 3D product representations; Virtual Factory Open Call included new solutions for managing tangibles and intangibles in ecosystems and support for enterprise systems interoperability.


The aim of the Open Call was to add infrastructures to the XIFI federation, to increase XIFI's offer to fulfil needs of running FI-PPP projects, and to enlarge the available capacity to be able to support as well Phase 3 projects. This expansion for the second year of XIFI activities is expected to enlarge the XIFI offer to include new advanced technologies (such as smart cities environments, large sensor networks, user communities) and to extend the geographical coverage of the XIFI federation to include new European locations possibly connected to the FI-PPP large trials. The open call aimed to achieve both increased heterogeneity and balanced geographical distribution of future Internet infrastructures across Europe.


FIspace called for proposals for the development 21 domain-specific Apps that will be developed within the FIspace platform. The Apps are divided over 8 user trials which work on the three themes Farming in the Cloud, Intelligent Perishable Goods Logistics, and Smart Production and Consumption. These Apps should be used as demonstrators of the potential of FIspace. Therefore, they should be developed by using available tools and features provided by FIspace by the time the beneficiary starts its participation in the project.

The Open Call asked for solutions that build on and complement at least one of the three platforms being developed and deployed in test locations by the project partners. The proposals should either describe new experimentations or add significant improvements to existing experimentations. A proposal should address a single application platform, i.e. either Social Connected TV, Smart City Services, or Pervasive Games. Proposals can address one or several topics that differ for the application platforms.

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