The Commission has conducted a public consultation which was closed on 8 January 2013. The submissions received have been published at Moreover, an external study was commissioned with the objective of gaining inputs for the upcoming review of the Recommendation on Relevant Markets. This study entitled "Future electronic communications markets subject to ex-ante regulation" can be found at

In the interest of transparency, the Commission publishes herewith the draft revised Recommendation on relevant markets and its accompanying draft Explanatory Note which will serve as a basis for discussion with BEREC, which is the main interlocutor of the Commission at this stage of the proceedings, and other stakeholders. This publication does not constitute the formal consultation of BEREC, as required by Art. 15(4) of the Framework Directive.

Stakeholders may send observations to Such observations will be understood as input to a stakeholder workshop on relevant markets in the EU electronic communications sector, scheduled to be hosted by BEREC on 26 February 2014 in Stockholm, Sweden, back-to-back with the next BEREC plenary meeting.

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