The Ethernet Alliance, a global consortium dedicated to the continued success and advancement of Ethernet technologies, today announced its slate of Board of Directors members and officers for 2015. With its success in supporting the continued growth and evolution of Ethernet and the Ethernet ecosystem, the confirmation of its 10th Board of Directors represents a major milestone for the organization.

“The mission of the Ethernet Alliance is to help foster the advancement and progression of Ethernet and related technologies. Looking at the breadth and depth of its expansion during that timeframe underscores Ethernet’s adaptability. We’ve seen disruptive innovation at every level, ranging from DC to 400G, and for the past 10 years, the Ethernet Alliance has been there every step of the way,” said John D’Ambrosia, chairman, Ethernet Alliance, and chief Ethernet evangelist, Dell. “It’s now time to look ahead – by exploring Ethernet’s diverse application horizon, we are developing a vision for the industry. With the installment of our new board, we will be writing the next chapter in Ethernet’s long and productive history.”

The following incoming Ethernet Alliance Board of Directors members and officers were elected and confirmed at the 2015 Ethernet Alliance members meeting in San Jose, California:

  • John D’Ambrosia, Dell; Chairman and Board of Directors
  • Scott Kipp, Brocade; President and Board of Directors
  • Gilda Foss, NetApp; Vice President and Board of Directors
  • David Fair, Intel; Board of Directors
  • Howard Frazier, Broadcom; Board of Directors
  • Nishant Lodha, QLogic; Board of Directors
  • Mark Nowell, Cisco; Board of Directors

“Ethernet continues to surprise; we’ve seen this technology branch out into new – and sometimes unexpected –application spaces like automotive and plastic optical fiber. As Ethernet continues to break new ground, there are questions and challenges that must be addressed if we’re to fully realize the opportunities that lie ahead,” said Scott Kipp, president, Ethernet Alliance; and principal technologist, Brocade. “As Ethernet embarks on the next leg of its ongoing journey, the industry needs a proactive roadmap showing its continued progression through the end of the decade. Our new Board of Directors, officers, and the Ethernet Alliance as a whole look forward to a productive year of mapping out the future directions of Ethernet.”

The organization also offered its thanks to outgoing Ethernet Alliance Board members and officers for their dedicated efforts, and extended its congratulations to all incoming Board members and officers.

For more information about the Ethernet Alliance, please visit, follow @EthernetAllianc on Twitter, visit its Facebook page, or join the EA LinkedIn group. Individuals who would like to receive updates on Ethernet Alliance, activities, and events may sign up for the organization’s newsletter at

About the Ethernet Alliance

The Ethernet Alliance is a global consortium that includes system and component vendors, industry experts, and university and government professionals who are committed to the continued success and expansion of Ethernet technology. The Ethernet Alliance takes Ethernet standards to market by supporting activities that span from incubation of new Ethernet technologies to interoperability demonstrations and education.